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Combinator Gear Specification

Florian Meißner edited this page Jun 18, 2021 · 5 revisions

General Settings

Combinator gear YAML files support the following base options.


  • combinatorSlots (Array of Strings): These are custom slot names used by Combinator, not simc. This array decides what we sim.


  • combinatorExtension (String): If set, this string is added to the output file after Combinator.
    E.g.: combinatorExtension: Legendaries can generate a report called Combinator-Legendaries_PR_Rogue_Subtlety.
  • combinatorVariation (String): If set, this string is added to the output file as a Variation.
    E.g.: combinatorVariation: Legendaries can generate a report called Combinator_PR_Rogue_Subtlety_Legendaries.

Slot Specification

Base Settings

  • simcSlot (String): Can be omitted, in which case this becomes a virtual combinator slot that will not generate output. The slot specified here is used for the simc string. You can re-use a slot multiple times, e.g. soulbind and it will combine combinations using those more than once with a / separator.
  • options (Array): Here all the possible options for this combinator slot have to be listed.


Elements in the list of options can have the following settings.

  • name (String): Name of this option in the output of the sim. Also used for requirement references.
  • hidden (Bool): The name will not be shown in the output name but the option will be simmed if it has input data.
  • simcString (String): The simc input for this option and the corresponding simcSlot in the parent. (The part after slot= only.)
  • replace (String): Not used by Combinator but by the Generator which injects Conduits as of Shadowlands.
  • requires (Hash): Here you can specify requirements for this option to be counted as a valid combination. You can specify checks for everything that came in a combinatorSlot used BEFORE this one. Requirements for a slot can be a single string or an array of Strings. Also, requirements for spec are supported and checked against the simc spec string in the profile used to run the sim.
  • additionalInput (Array of Hashes): Additional sim settings to set with this option selected. Uses the keys simcSlot and simcString inside it.


  simcSlot: "soulbind"
    - name: Plaguey's Preemptive Strike
      simcString: "323090"
        soulbind: Marileth
    - name: Virtual NOOP Slot
      hidden: true
        soulbind: Dreamweaver
    - name: Deeper Daggers Conduit
      simcString: "deeper_daggers:7"
          - Kleia
          - Pelagos
          - Nadjia
          - Theotar
        spec: subtlety
    - name: Additonal Input Demo
      simcString: "party_favors"
        soulbind: Theotar
        - simcSlot: shadowlands.party_favor_type
          simcString: versatility
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