A bank ATM simulator recreated in python. NOTE: this repo is a translation of Rasphy2009/Proyecto-Banco
🐍 Python 3.9 or higher
In .py you need to have PySide6 installed
To install PySide6 you have to install pip (A package manager): Download get-pip.py [here] (https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py) (I also leave it in release), right click and save as
Now run it and follow the instructions. Don't forget to add it to PATH, look for a video
Once installed open cmd and run this command:
pip install pyside6
You can now run the app
Download latest version:
Bank project
You can edit the data in /Data
If you forget the password you can go to /Data/Passwords/USERNAME_password.txt and open it with a text editor to change or read it (only.py)