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AmigaOS Dynamic Intuition Window Manager


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Tiling window "manager" for AmigaOS 3.1.x.

NOTE Dintwm is under rather heavy development, it is a hobby project and breakage may occur.


  • v0.6

    • Fixed bug launching Dintwm from workbench introduced in v0.5
    • Fixed bug when running without BAR TT enabled
    • Add documentation on MagicMenu "Non Blocking" incompatibility
  • v0.5

    • Fix autotiling bug that prevented program launches from wb icons
    • Add feature to tab through windows on current workspace
    • Auto select first active window in workspace when changing workspace
    • Auto select first active window when moving a window to other workspace
    • Fix initial barwidth when launching LEFTGAP / RIGHTGAP TT.
  • v0.4

    • Make text items in bar configurable
    • Make bar color items behave internally as text items
    • Really fix off by one memleak bug
    • Set better defaults for docmd (conline and newshell)
    • Create hash of window title snips to keep track of them
    • Much better window change tracking
    • Window checking handled in subtask
    • Closing windows always triggers retile
    • Much lower CPU foot print
    • Fix bug with tile mode in bar
    • fbaserel no longer prodcues working binary, dropped

  • v0.2

    • Add TT VWS_ON to enable virtual workspaces
    • Add INFO_OFF TT to disable info boxes
    • Disable tiling with POPKEY_TILE_OFF
    • Ignore all WS shifting business when vws's are off
    • Fix bug with text not fitting in info windows
    • Quit if backdropped window is detected and vws's are on
    • Don't show workspaces on bar if vws's are off
    • Add version option to cli
  • v0.1

    • initial release

Building from source

Install crosscompiler:

Cross-compilation on Linux for AmigaOS (requires bebbo's m68k-amigaos-gcc fork)

make all


Vanilla without any tooltype tweaks:


Force tiling into specific screen area by setting tooltypes:

Gap tiling into area

Change between virtual workspaces and resize tiling area dynamically:

Virtual WSs and dynamic gaps

Dintwm also has a bar: Bar demo

Running dintwm as a commodity

Dintwm will ignore the workbench window and backdropped windows.

To run dintwm as a commodity:

  1. Add the tooltypes you need to the included file. See Tooltype Options Table section.
  2. Test it out using the following command: dintwm -C or simply run dintwm without options.
  3. When done drag the dintwm icon file to wbstartup and dintwm should run after reboot.
  4. Check its status in System->Tools->Commodities->Exchange, you can also kill dintwm from here.
  5. Dintwm can be exited at any time with Ctrl+Lcommand+q (lcommand is also known as Left Amiga Modifier Key)

The tooltypes in the dintwm file could look like this:

POPKEY_TILE=rawkey control shift z
POPKEY_HGRID=rawkey control shift x
POPKEY_SPIRAL=rawkey control shift c
POPKEY_DWINDLE=rawkey control shift v
EXCL_WTYPE_0=CX V2.3.0: Hot Key = <ctrl alt help>

Tooltype Options Table

Tooltype Default Description Related Tooltype(s)
POPKEY_TILE rawkey control lcommand t tile with master window layout TILE_FACT
POPKEY_HGRID rawkey control lcommand g grid layout NA
POPKEY_SPIRAL rawkey control lcommand f fibonacci variant layout NA
POPKEY_DWINDLE rawkey control lcommand d another fibonacci variant layout NA
POPKEY_SWITCHF rawkey control lcommand s flip through layouts forwards NA
POPKEY_SWITCHB rawkey control lcommand x flip through layouts backwards NA
POPKEY_INCTOPGAP rawkey control lcommand cursor_up increase topgap while running GAP_CHANGE_VALUE
POPKEY_INCLEFTGAP rawkey control lcommand cursor_left increase leftgap while running GAP_CHANGE_VALUE
POPKEY_INCRIGHTGAP rawkey control lcommand cursor_right increase rightgap while running GAP_CHANGE_VALUE
POPKEY_DECTOPGAP rawkey control shift cursor_up decrease topgap while running GAP_CHANGE_VALUE
POPKEY_DECBOTTOMGAP rawkey control shift cursor_down decrease bottomgap while running GAP_CHANGE_VALUE
POPKEY_DECLEFTGAP rawkey control shift cursor_left decrease leftgap while running GAP_CHANGE_VALUE
POPKEY_DECRIGHTGAP rawkey control shift cursor_right decrease rightgap while running GAP_CHANGE_VALUE
POPKEY_INCALLGAPS rawkey control lcommand numeric_pad + increase all gaps while running GAP_CHANGE_VALUE
POPKEY_DECALLGAPS rawkey control lcommand numeric_pad -- (double dash to escape special function of dash) decrease all gaps while running GAP_CHANGE_VALUE
POPKEY_CMD_0..9 spawns custom commands rawkey control lcommand 0..9 CMD_0..9, CONLINE_0..9
POPKEY_WS_0..5 change to virtual workspace rawkey control lcommand numpad 0..5 POPKEY_CWS_0..5
POPKEY_CWS_0..5 move active window to virtual workspace rawkey control shift numpad 0..5 POPKEY_CWS_0..5
POPKEY_TAB_NEXT rawkey control lcommand tab tabs through windows on current workspace NA
POPKEY_CXM_EXIT rawkey control lcommand q exits commodity NA
POPKEY_TILE_OFF rawkey control lcommand o disables tiling globally NA
TOPGAP 0 sets the top gap of the screen NA
BOTTOMGAP 0 sets a bottom gap NA
LEFTGAP 0 sets a left gap NA
RIGHTGAP 0 sets a right gap NA
GAP_CHANGE_VALUE 20 sets the increment/decrement value for gap adjustment *GAP
DEFAULT_TOPGAP TRUE set automatically calculated gap NA
CMD_0..9 NewShell sets custom commands to spawn, like a shell or a program CONLINE_0..9
CONLINE_0..9 CON:0/0/550/350/Dintwm Shell/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT sets custom conline for the matching CMD_0..9 CMD_0..9
EXCL_WTYPE_0..9 empty excludes windows based on window->Title deactivates INCL_WTYPE_0..9
INCL_WTYPE_0..9 empty includes windows based on window->Title deactivates EXCL_WTYPE_0..9
AUTO empty enable auto tiling, all non-filtered new windows will be tiled AUTO_INTERVAL_DELAY
AUTO_INTERVAL_DELAY 1 Auto tile refresh rate, how often it checks for new windows. Set to 50 ticks per second AUTO
TILE_FACT 550 size factor of master window (val / 1000) in tiling function POPKEY_TILE
BAR empty Bar on or off BAR_*
BAR_BG_COL 3 (color 3 on palette) Dintwm bar bg color BAR
BAR_FPW_COL 1 Dintwm bar frontpen color BAR
BAR_BPW_COL 3 Dintwm bar backpen color BAR
BAR_FPCURW_COL 6 Dintwm bar active workspace color frontpen BAR
BAR_BPCURW_COL 3 Dintwm bar active workspace color backpen BAR
BAR_FPTM_COL 1 Dintwm bar tilemode frontpen color BAR
BAR_BPTM_COL 3 Dintwm bar tilemode backpen color BAR
BAR_FPTI_COL 1 Dintwm bar active window title frontpen color BAR
BAR_BPTI_COL 3 Dintwm bar active window title backpen color BAR
BAR_FPSEP_ONE_COL 1 Dintwm bar seperator one frontpen color BAR
BAR_BPSEP_ONE_COL 3 Dintwm bar seperator one backpen color BAR
BAR_FPSEP_TWO_COL 1 Dintwm bar seperator two frontpen color BAR
BAR_BPSEP_TWO_COL 3 Dintwm bar seperator two backpen color BAR
BAR_TEXT_WS0 WS0 Dintwm bar text for ws0 BAR
BAR_TEXT_WS1 WS1 Dintwm bar text for ws1 BAR
BAR_TEXT_WS2 WS2 Dintwm bar text for ws2 BAR
BAR_TEXT_WS3 WS3 Dintwm bar text for ws3 BAR
BAR_TEXT_WS4 WS4 Dintwm bar text for ws4 BAR
BAR_TEXT_WS5 WS5 Dintwm bar text for ws5 BAR
BAR_TEXT_TILE Tile Dintwm bar text for tile mode BAR
BAR_TEXT_GRID Grid Dintwm bar text for grid mode BAR
BAR_TEXT_DWINDLE FibD Dintwm bar text for dwindle mode BAR
BAR_TEXT_SPIRAL FibS Dintwm bar text for spiral mode BAR
BAR_TEXT_SEP_1 | Dintwm bar text for sepator one BAR
BAR_TEXT_SEP_2 | Dintwm bar text for sepator one BAR
BAR_HIDE_EMPTY empty Hide bar if workspace is empty BAR
INFO_OFF empty Supress info windows - not recommended NA
VWS_ON FALSE Enable virtual workspaces NA

Features explained

Here is a short outline of the different features and their limitations.

Virtual workspaces

Creates layers of window sets, which could also be seen as virtual workspaces and change between them using the POPKEY_WS_0..5 hotkeys.

Move active window to another virtual workspace using the POPKEY_CWS_0..5 hotkeys.

Since virtual workspaces depend on moving windows to be the back of the window stack, using it with a backdropped Workbench window will not work.

To enable do not backdrop the workbench window and set tooltype VWS_ON=TRUE

Dintwm bar

The bar is at the moment only available in the bottom of the tiling area. It shows tilemode, active window title and indicates the current active workspace.

Default ToolTypes

The following tooltypes are enabled in info file by default:

  • AUTO tiling is enabled
  • VWS_ON i.e. virtual workspaces are enabled
  • BAR is enabled
  • DONOTWAIT is enabled to remove nag dialog box on some systems
  • CMD_0 is set to Newshell by default <ctrl lcommand 0>

Known problems and workarounds:


MagicMenu with "Non Blocking" enabled in combination with DintWM will dead lock/hang workbench. To use DintWM with MagicMenu, please disable "Non Blocking" in MagicMenu prefs.

Running dintwm from CLI

Again Dintwm will ignore the workbench window, backdropped windows and gimmezerozero windows.

Auto tile for obvious reasons does not work in this mode.

Virtual workspaces do not work either.

Open some windows.

Run to see available options:

dintwm -h

Try tiling them:

dintwm -t

With a gap for the workbench titlebar.

dintwm -g -u

With custom gaps all around:

dintwm -U 45 -B 45 -L 45 -R 45 -t

That is, you could basically set tiling to occur where ever you decide on the screen.

dintwm -U 320 -L 320 -t

It is of course possible to use something as FKey to bind the above commands to your own HotKeys and use Dintwm as a manual tiling utility.

Options are:

  • -d: Fibonacci dwindle
  • -g: Horizontal grid
  • -t: Tile with left master
  • -s: Fibonacci spiral
  • <other arg> -u: Add workbench top bar gap
  • <other arg> -U<int>: Add custom top gap
  • <other arg> -B<int>: Add custom bottom gap
  • <other arg> -L<int>: Add custom left gap
  • <other arg> -R<int>: Add custom right gap
  • -h: This message


  • Create an optional Dintwm commodity to enable hotkeys
  • Make dintwm dynamical, by saving position of windows before tiling. Dropped
  • Float -> Tile -> Float behaviour
  • Enable auto tiling when new windows appear.
  • Add leftgap, rightgap and bottomgap
  • Virtual workspaces
  • Add dintwm bar
  • Stop commodity with hotkey
  • Use github actions to build and package dintwm release
  • Make static bar text fields configurable
  • Implement dedicated dintwm screen Dropped
  • Builtin dmenu like launcher * See *
  • Ensure AROS compatibility (works without bar atm) Dropped ftb

Note on licensing

Some parts of the code (tile and fibonacci functions) are adapted from dwm, a DWM-LICENSE is therefore included.

Ketopt.h from is licensed under the MIT/X11 license.

SAST Tools

Static analyzers used are: splint flawfinder cppcheck

Check out the Makefile on how this project uses them.

Memleak checker

This part I find difficult to check for when compiling for a m68k target (no valgrind).

Settled on fortify which helped me identify a memory leak.

It can be enabled by building the source with:

lha x fortify22.lha -w=/tmp
cp /tmp/FORTIFY.CXX fortify.c
cp /tmp/UFORTIFY.H ufortify.h
cp /tmp/FORTIFY.H fortify.h
make strict=true fortify=true all
rm {uf,f}ortify*

When running the dintwm binary on AmigaOS, some memory allocation statistics will be displayed hopefully showing no memory leaks.


AmigaOS Dynamic Intuition Window Manager



ISC, MIT licenses found

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