The code used in Rania Ibrahim and David F. Gleich. "Nonlinear Diffusion for Community Detection and Semi-Supervised Learning" paper, accepted at The Web Conference (formally WWW), 2019.
You can find the code for LFR synthetic data experiments in LFR_Figures folder. To generate the conductance and F1 results, which are reported in figure 2 in the paper, run run_on_LFR_data.m
You can find the code for community detection experiments in Community_Detection_Experiments folder. Inside this folder there are three subfolders:
- community_detection: contains the experiments for nonlinear diffusion using power function.
- community_detection_tanh: contains the experiments for nonlinear diffusion using tanh function.
- community_detection_p_lap: contains the experiments for nonlinear diffusion using p-Laplacian.
To generate the results in table 1 of the paper: First download the datasets from SNAP website, add them folder inside a folder called "data" and then inside each subfolder run:
- run_com-dblp.jl: which produces the DBLP results.
- run_com-amazon.jl: which produces the Amazon results.
- run_com-youtube.jl: which produces the Youtube results.
- run_com-lj: which produces the Live Journal results.
You can find the code for graph-based semi-supervised learning experiment inside the folder Graph-based_Semi-supervised Learning_Experiment. Inside this folder, there are three subfolders:
- Nonlinear Diffusion with Growth or Decay: contains the code for running nonlinear diffusion using power function or tanh function.
- Nonlinear Diffusion via Nonlinear Transfer: contains the code for running nonlinear diffusion using p-Laplacian.
- Stability_Experiment: contains the code to generate figure 3 in the paper, where we vary the parameters for power function and tanh function and show that the classification accuracy remains high for many choices.
To generate the results in table 3 in the paper, inside folder Nonlinear Diffusion with Growth or Decay run to get the results for the cora dataset, run to get the results on citeseer dataset and run to get the results on pubmed dataset.
To generate the results in figure 3, run
You can find the code for FASHION MNIST experiments inside the folder Fashion_MNIST_Experiments. Inside the folder, you can find:
- Visualization Folder: contains the code to generate figure 1 and figure 4 in the paper. In order to generate the figures, you need to:
- Download FASHION_MNIST dataset from and add it in a folder data/fashion-mnist
- Run test_fashion_mnist.m to generate the figures.
- Dispersion_Experiment: contains the code to generate figure 5 in the paper. In order to generate the figure, you need to go to the folder and then run:
julia generate_variances.jl
- HK_Power_Results: contains the code to generate the result reported in table 4.