This repository contains my project, which includes implementations of various functions from the libft library, as well as other projects like get_next_line, ft_printf, Push_Swap, and FdF. Each function/project is implemented in separate files. Contents
Function Implementations
Function Implementations
The repository includes implementations of several commonly used functions from the libft library. These functions are implemented in separate files for modularity and reusability. Some of the included functions are:
ft_isalpha: Checks if a character is an alphabetic character.
ft_isdigit: Checks if a character is a digit.
ft_strlen: Calculates the length of a string.
ft_memcpy: Copies a block of memory.
ft_strlcpy: Copies a string into a fixed-size buffer.
ft_atoi: Converts a string to an integer.
ft_strnstr: Locates a substring within a string.
For detailed explanations and usage examples of each function, please refer to the corresponding source file in the libft directory. Projects
Apart from the function implementations, this repository also includes other projects:
get_next_line: A function that reads a line from a file descriptor.
ft_printf: An implementation of the printf function in C.
Push_Swap: A sorting algorithm that sorts a stack of integers using specific rules.
FdF: A simple 3D wireframe renderer for height maps.
Each project is contained within its own directory and includes its own set of source files, headers, and Makefile (if applicable).
Please refer to the README files within each project directory for detailed explanations and instructions on how to compile and use them. Usage
You can clone this repository to your local machine and explore each function implementation or project individually. The repository structure makes it easy to navigate through the files and understand the functionality provided.
To compile and use the function implementations or projects, follow the instructions provided within their respective directories. Contributing
Contributions to this repository are welcome. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Please follow the repository's code of conduct and guidelines for contributing.