A simple and highly configurable cron job for cockroachdb backup to a GCP bucket
The design of this cron job has been mainly taken from https://github.com/kminehart/cockroachdb-backup but with some minor changes. Because the docker image of the kminehart/cockroachdb-backup:v2.0.0 sets the version of cockroach db, it means that in order to use the correct version you'd have to have multiple of those docker images. This repo moves the execution script and the installation script into the container command. That way things such as cockroach db version can increment as the actual database increments.
Environment Variable | Default Value | Notes |
COCKROACH_URL | postgresql://root@db-cockroachdb-public:26257?sslmode=disable | |
COCKROACH_DATABASE | database | name of the database |
GCP_BUCKET_NAME | my-gcp-bucket | |
This service account will have access to the Storage services in your project
gcloud iam service-accounts create cockroach-backup-sa --display-name "CockroachDB Backup Account"
This key will be given to the Kubernetes job to authenticate to your gcloud account
export COCKROACHDB_BACKUP_EMAIl=`gcloud iam service-accounts list --filter="displayName='CockroachDB Backup Account'" --format="value(email.scope())" | head -n 1`
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json --iam-account $COCKROACHDB_BACKUP_EMAIl
Now grant the backup service account the ability to add items to Storage
export PROJECT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
--member serviceAccount:$COCKROACHDB_BACKUP_EMAIl \
--role roles/storage.objectCreator
kubectl create secret generic cockroach-backup-sa --from-file=./key.json
kubectl create -f cronjob.yml
it will run at midnight UTC every day