Application to track all user keyboard strokes
If you are a developer, click here.
NOTE: These applications cannot be installed on a machine without the consent of the system's owner
If you do so, you are solely responsible for the action and consequences
This application is available for Windows and Linux Operating Systems
Goto releases and download the zip file and extract it on your computer
Download Visual Studio C++ from here
Create a newWindows Project
in Visual Studio
Replace the cpp file withmain.cpp
from downloaded folder
Go To Build and click on build. A .exe file is generated, run the executable file
The Tracker should start running, verify this with below step.
To see the tracker log, GotoC:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\WinmpeT\log.sys
Open the log.sys file with notepad
folder may be hidden, make sure to unhide itThis application runs in the background as SystemHost.exe (to be unsuspicious)
This Tracker is undetectable by any anti virus software
The appliaction restarts automatically on Turning On the computer
Application for Linux OS's is still under development
Make sure to visit this repo frequently for updates and fixes
Keeping track of your personal computer
Parental control
Administrative control
If you are not familiar with Win32 API, this is a good place to start.
Open this project in Visual Studio C++, as a Windows Project