Create bot, get token and add to Discord server
Node.js 12.0.0 or newer is required.
Create .env file or set environment variables in commandline and add NODE_ENV=production to disable .env file.
TOKEN=<discord token>
OWNER=<Discord owner User Id>
URL=<url/ip of this server in format http(s)://>
PORT=<port to start server on (Default 3000)>
PREFIX=<Discord bot command prefix>
DEFAULT_VOLUME=<0-150 (optional: default 20)>
RADIO_MAX_VIDEO_LENGTH=<length in seconds, 0 for no max length, Default: 600)
Build the server first then the client.
> npm install
> npm run build
client> npm install
client> npm run build:prod
> node ./bin/www
If the client was build without prod flag it will always access the server via localhost:3000 (for development).
Or run with Docker:
docker run -d -p 80:80 --restart unless-stopped --name discord-bot-node -e NODE_ENV=production -e PORT=80 -e TOKEN=<discord token> -e OWNER=<discord owner id> -e URL=<url/ip e.g http(s)://> -e PREFIX=<prefix e.g !> alexanderwyss/discord-bot-node:latest
The Web UI can be used by multiple Users concurrently.
<ctrl> + f
Focus search- While searchbar focused:
Search<ctrl> + <enter>
Play first result now<ctrl> + <shift> + <enter>
Play first result next<shift> + <enter>
Queue first result
Tested with Firefox & Chrome.