Crowducate is an open education platform. The crowd creates courses (any subject is welcome) together which are interactive and fun. Democratize education. Enjoy education. Bear in mind, we are in early alpha. For more info read this blog post.
The Crowducate platform is based on MeteorJS. So, if you want to run it locally:
- Install MeteorJS
- Clone this repo: git clone
- Open your terminal and navigate to the folder where Crowducate is installed.
- Run “mrt”
That’s it!
We chose the GPL3 license, as this fosters an open ecosystem. Which is essential for an open education project.
Great, so please contribute! The roadmap for the beginning:
- Adding names to profiles.
- Adding Textfield ‘user name’ in the Registration process (if signed up with email instead of Facebook/g+)
- Adding “by ‘user name’(or FB/g+-name)” to the Course title (e.g. MeteorJs for Beginner by derMambo)
- Adding Upvote to courses (example: Microscope/Telescope). A project from the people of the great book Discover Meteor. Source code is here.
- Improving the creation of the multiple choice quiz
- Creator should choose how many possible answers to post
- How many of them are the correct answers
- Commenting function for change requests (i.e., why did I send this change request/why did I decline your change request, etc.)