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  1. ERC721-Linkable ERC721-Linkable Public

    The goal of ERC 721L is to make it easier to manage multiple NFTs and to simplify the transfer of ownership of all of them to a new owner.

    Solidity 52 7

  2. misterybox_front misterybox_front Public

    Gestión de participantes para tus misterybox

    TypeScript 3 1

  3. hashlips_nft_contract hashlips_nft_contract Public

    Forked from HashLips/hashlips_nft_contract

    A simple NFT smart contract that works with the rest of the HashLips ecosystem.

    Solidity 1 1

  4. EivissaProject_ClassicAuction EivissaProject_ClassicAuction Public

    Solidity 1 2

  5. MySQL-Backup-AWS-S3 MySQL-Backup-AWS-S3 Public

    Aplicación simple de NodeJS para respaldar tu base de datos MySQL en S3 mediante un cron.

    TypeScript 1

  6. n8n-racks-academy n8n-racks-academy Public



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