Lady Luck is a bot that rolls ten sided dice and counts successes by the New World of Darkness / Chronicles of Darkness rules: 8, 9, and 10 is a "success" while 10s reroll. Optionally 9s or 8s can reroll, or you can opt for no rerolls.
Lady Luck uses's random numbers, which means it's authentically random, or as close to that as we're going to get in computing.
Here are some examples for using the commands of this bot
To roll 7 dice:
!nwod 7
To roll 7 dice, with 8-Again:
!nwod 7 8
To roll 7 dice, with no rerolls:
!nwod 7 11
To roll initiative:
!init <mod> <name>
!init 7 Joe
To force initiative to a certain value:
!initforce <value> <name>
!initforce 13 Joe
To clear the initiative table:
To add an in-character channel:
!wc-add <channel-id>
!wc-add 704140585883140186
To remove an in-character channel:
!wc-rem <channel-id>
!wc-rem 704140585883140186
To set the OOC Bonus Point channel that it tells users when they get Bonus Points:
!wc-ooc <channel-id>
!wc-ooc 585883140186704140
To add a user role who may get Bonus Points by posting in character:
!wc-ra <user-role-id>
!wc-ra 8314018670414058583
To remove a user role who may get Bonus Points by posting in character:
!wc-rr <user-role-id>
!wc-rr 6704140585838314018
To list the in-character word count channels:
To force the Bonus Point and Word Count totals:
!wc-force <user-id> <bonus-point-total> [<word-count-total>]
!wc-force 136786521398494975 123
!wc-force 136786521398494975 123 456
To show your or another user's Word Count and Bonus Point count:
!wc [<user-id>]
!wc 652113678398494975
To invite this bot to your server, just click here.