A tool for sharing curated content via a Plex server.
- A Plex server
- A PlexPy server connected to that Plex server
- NodeJS
- cp _config.json config.json
- nano config.json (populate it with your configuration settings)
- npm install
Add playlists to your server annotated by a '@' to share them. You can also specify a category via one of these terms (dynamic, collection, filmography or organized), seperated from the playlist title by a pipe character (|).
For example, in the screenshots below, the name for the first playlist is "@collection|Tom's Favorites".
The application uses an in-memory cache to prevent successive hits to PlexPy (for images) and the Plex server within a period of a few hours.
- nodejs .
- npm install -g polymer-cli
- bower install
- polymer build