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Group: 5.WED-16.30-6


  • VERDOUW, Midori (s3575912)
  • PHAM, Van (s3788106)
  • TJIONG, Julian (s3786866)
  • CHEONG, Hon Khuin Jonathan (s3642842)
  • SONG, Jason (s3744335)


Project Structure documentation


  • Chatlogs prior to meetings being held on teams - were previously held over Disccord

Definition of Done

  • All our DoDs are attached to the user stories on Trello. Please refer to them for our DoD per user story


  • All user stories and Acceptance Tests

Sprint Artifacts

  • All Sprint Planning and Retro documentation, broken down into each sprint

Test Reports

  • All test reports

Meeting Minutes

  • All meeting minutes located here

Release Branches

  • We have two release branches for milestone 3: release/milestone3 and release/milestone3_deploy.
  • These are identical functionality-wise.
  • Since the release/milestone3_deploy branch is used for running with Docker and MySQL for deployment, whereas release/milestone3 branch is used with H2 database only to run locally, the test data format (in BackEnd/src/main/resources/data.sql) is different.
  • In the release/milestone3_deploy branch, all the back end unit tests are commented out due to an issue in the Docker image caused by failed unit tests.

How to Build without Docker (localhost)

  1. Ensure you are on either release/milestone3, master or development branch
  2. Run back end program by running /BackEnd/src/main/java/sept/project/backend/
  3. Run front end program by npm start command on /FrontEnd directory. You may need to run npm install command prior
  4. Access http://localhost:3000/home, which should display the Home page of the app
  5. Access http://localhost:8080/h2-console for H2 database

How to Build and Deploy Using Docker

  1. Ensure you are on release/milestone3_deploy branch.
  2. On BackEnd, create .jar file using Maven package.
  3. Create docker images for front end and back end respectively by the commands:
  • docker build -f -t frontend:prod .
  • docker build -t backend .
  1. Ensure the application runs locally by docker-compose up command
  2. Install AWS CLI on your machine
  3. On AWS ECR console, create a repository
  4. Authenticate Docker to the created ECR registry with aws ecr get-login-password command
  5. Tag the Docker images created in step 3 with the registry by the command:
  • docker tag <registry:tag> <aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.region><AWS ECR registry name:tag>
  • Note: Replace the brackets according to your configuration
  1. Push the images to the AWS ECR registry by the command:
  • docker push<AWS ECR registry name:tag>
  1. In the AWS ECS console create a new cluster which uses the ECS optimised linux AMI (t2.micro)
  • Note: The front end has hardcoded URLs which need to be updated to point at this new EC2 instance created with the cluster if it doesn't match
  1. Create a new Task Definition and utilise the /docs/Deployment/aws_task_definition.json as the JSON based configuration
  • Note: you will need to modify the image references to match your own ECR registry information
  1. Run new task from the cluster you created earlier and the deployment should complete.
  2. Access http://<ec2 instance address>:1337/hometo use the deployed application


majorproject-5-wed-16-30-6 created by GitHub Classroom






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