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Intel Integrated Performance Primitives and Intel Threading Building Block for Delphi RTL


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Sea RTL subset for Delphi 64bit

Object Pascal wrappers from Intel Integrated Performance Primitives and Intel Threading Building Blocks royalty-free packages

17 June 2019 Roberto Della Pasqua
24 August 2022 DLL built with the latest stable Intel oneAPI and TBB ver. 2021.6
10 January 2023 updated zlib to 1.2.13 with latest Intel IPP ver. 2021.7
20 February 2023 updated webbroker deflate helper for reliability
02 November 2023 updated oneTBB allocator
(oneTBB src.v2021.12.0 msvc_19.29_cxx_64_md_release)

This folder contains:

  • SeaMM.dll (ver. 2023 106496 bytes)(MD5 4363d696fbd2395529dee46607c06205)
  • SeaRTL.dll simd enabled rtl subset routines (ver. 2022 201728 bytes)(MD5 b7fe56a81870b13b466816fe4e268d78)
  • SeaZIP.dll accelerated zlib compression (ver. 2023 978944 bytes)(MD5 c916569b4e8e974d226c898164675989)
  • RDPMM64.pas wrapper for memory manager (put this unit as first unit clause in project source)
  • RDPSimd64.pas wrapper for simd rtl
  • RDPZlib64.pas wrapper for zlib deflate (level -2 AC mode in deflate call should be used over UTF-8 strings for web optimization, if you need to compress binary contents use level from 1 to 9 to avoid exceptions)
  • RDPWebBroker64.pas utils to enhance webbroker web apps
  • SeaIISFilter ultra-fast realtime deflate filter for IIS web server (5x faster than default gzip)(will update it with a small project built over this extension)
  • License.txt for legal terms

A test with Indy, the built-in TCP Delphi library, on I7 cpu, show an enhancement from 6934.29 ops/sec to 23097.68 ops/sec

Another test with Webbroker http compression, on I7 cpu, show an enhancement from 147 pages/sec to 722 pages/sec

Another test with Dmvc web api, on I9 cpu and windows 2016, simulating with apachebench 10000 requests and 100 users, show an enhancement from 111 reqs/sec to 6448 reqs/sec

Another test, an Isapi, on I9 cpu and windows 2016, doing in sequence DB query -> dataset of 1500 lines x 10 rows -> serialize to json string -> shrink it with deflate, populates 2000 http reqs/sec, correctly filling all cpu cores

Another Webbroker http app (Delphi 11) jump from 542 reqs/s to 3364 reqs/s (i9 cpu hyper-v windows 2022 server)(libs ver. 2022)

A simple Horse web api app (Delphi 12) jump from 2200 reqs/s to 37 thousand reqs/s (i9 cpu hyper-v windows 2022 server)(libs ver. 2023)

If you want enable accelerated zlib programmatically into your WebBroker app, just add one line of code in afterdispatch event:

  • procedure TWebModule.WebModuleAfterDispatch(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
  • begin
  • Response.ZlibDeflate;
  • end;

The library is well tested, run on Intel and Amd x64 Windows, if you found any trouble please notify me;
big thanks to the Delphi community and its great coders, in particular for the support received from Bruno Fierens (TMS), Daniele Teti (Bittime), Arnaud Bouchez (Synopse)

Contact me: roberto dot dellapasqua at

Thank you and best regards

Roberto Della Pasqua


Intel Integrated Performance Primitives and Intel Threading Building Block for Delphi RTL







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