Godot engine script for debug drawing in 3D-games
extends Spatial
# preload class
const DebugDraw = preload("res://scripts/debug_draw/debug_draw_3d.gd")
var debug_draw: DebugDraw3D
func _ready() -> void:
# create DebugDraw instance
debug_draw = DebugDraw.new(self)
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
# first add all the shapes you need to draw
debug_draw.add_vector(Vector3.ZERO, Vector3.UP, 0, Color.green)
debug_draw.add_vector(Vector3.ZERO, Vector3.RIGHT, 0, Color.red)
debug_draw.add_vector(Vector3.ZERO, Vector3.FORWARD, 0, Color.blue)
# then call draw method
Draws line from point p1 to point p2
void add_ray(p1: Vector3, p2: Vector3, thickness: float = 0.0, color: = Color.white, fill: bool = false)
Draws line from point p1 to point p2 with arrow in the end. Tip of the arrow points exactly to p2
void add_vector(p1: Vector3, p2: Vector3, thickness: float = 0.0, color: = Color.white, fill: bool = false)
Draws cube with center in point p
void add_cube(p: Vector3, extents: Vector3, color: = Color.white, fill: bool = false)
Draws sphere with center in point p
void add_sphere(p: Vector3, r: float, lon: int = 16, lat: int = 8, color: = Color.white, fill: bool = false)
Draws cone with base in p1
void add_cone(p1: Vector3, p2: Vector3, r1: float, r2: float, lon: int = 8, caps: bool = true, color: = Color.white, fill: bool = false)
Shortcut for cone with equal radiuses
void add_cylinder(p1: Vector3, p2: Vector3, r: float, lon: int = 8, color: = Color.white, fill: bool = false)