Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v20.8.0.63
Version v20.8.0.63
Compare v20.7.1.10...v20.8.0.63
- 66f7b75 dependabot-preview[bot] - Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration from 3.1.6 to 3.1.7
- c5d5518 dependabot-preview[bot] - Bump MSTest.TestFramework from 2.1.0 to 2.1.2
- c7f3ebd dependabot-preview[bot] - Bump System.IO.Abstractions from 12.0.8 to 12.1.1
- 2324032 dependabot-preview[bot] - Bump MSTest.TestAdapter from 2.1.0 to 2.1.2
- 4f5a71a dependabot-preview[bot] - (#362) Bump YamlDotNet from 8.1.0 to 8.1.2 (#362)
- 4fd5f38 Anthony Truskinger - Fixes unit tests
- 2b6821f towsey - (#332) Fixing Unit tests
- 13968a3 towsey - (#332) Fix up octave data reduction
- 6acfa88 towsey - (#332) Shift methods to better locations
- 621ad0c dependabot-preview[bot] - (#358) Bump MathNet.Numerics from 4.9.0 to 4.12.0 (#358)
- 5084768 dependabot-preview[bot] - (#359) Bump FsUnit.xUnit from 3.9.0 to 4.0.1 (#359)
- 005466e dependabot-preview[bot] - (#348) Bump CsvHelper from 14.0.0 to 15.0.5 (#348)
- 60a7609 dependabot-preview[bot] - (#360) Bump JetBrains.Annotations from 2019.1.3 to 2020.1.0 (#360)
- 93c2703 towsey - (#332) Update FrequencyScaleTests.cs
- 01aa9be towsey - (#332) Fix errors in octave frequency scale
- f10ea68 towsey - (#332) New methods for rescaling linear spectrograms
- 5fa1979 towsey - Add in new spectrogram image.
- 5f26e3f towsey - (#332) Work on Octave frequency scale
- 5031e9a towsey - (#332) Remove unnecssary code, change method names
- 071143c dependabot-preview[bot] - (#355) Bump coverlet.collector from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 (#355)
- e843ef5 dependabot-preview[bot] - (#356) Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json from 3.1.6 to 3.1.7 (#356)
- bec695d dependabot-preview[bot] - (#347) Bump SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing from 1.0.0-unstable0421 to 1.0.0-unstable0456 (#347)
- 3fd6bba dependabot-preview[bot] - Bump ConsoleTools from 0.5.3 to 0.5.4
- 0e429f7 towsey - (#332) Update FrequencyScaleTests.cs
- adcab04 towsey - (#332) Fix generation of additional spectrogram types.
- 2a8c3e2 towsey - (#332) More epsilon/log of zero fixes.
- 6dbe9ba towsey - (#332) Incorporate epsilon in to log transform
- 7905d4f Anthony Truskinger - Fix CLI deprecated API errors
- e7ef699 dependabot-preview[bot] - Bump McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils from 2.5.0 to 3.0.0
- 5143bdc Anthony Truskinger - Attempt to make fragile tests less demanding for CI
- 7fb64df dependabot-preview[bot] - Bump FSharp.Core from 4.7.0 to 4.7.2
- 0a83479 towsey - (#291) Fix cluster tests
- a577f49 towsey - (#291) Fis oscillation tests
- 4dafd0c towsey - (#291) Fixing tests for IndexCalculateTests.cs
- 2638e75 towsey - (#291) Fix tests of Long duration recordings
- 8a89100 towsey - (#291) Setting default FFT window to Hanning
- b423044 towsey - (#332) Rework Ocatve scale when calculating acoustic indices
- 28832b5 towsey - (#332) New tests and revise tests for Octave scale
- 5908e27 towsey - (#332) More work on Octave Frequency scales
- 0a643f1 towsey - (#332) Automate calculation of Octave scale bounds and its gridlines.
- f3eb3ed towsey - (#332) Fix production of Octave scale spectrogram
- 7ed5281 towsey - (#332) Remove unused code
- 834fa95 towsey - (#332) Fix production of Octave spectrogram
- a3778e3 towsey - (#332) Update BaseSonogram.cs
- 9f2904f towsey - (#332) Change Hamming to Hanning Window
- 277a0de towsey - (#332) Mostly remove unused code and tidy comments.
- 3efb633 towsey - (#332) Work on Unit tests for mel and octave scale spectrograms.
- 743fda8 towsey - (#332) Work on Octave scale spectrograms
- b62e20e towsey - (#332) Work on Mel scale spectrograms
- 0347e3f towsey - (#332) Create new unit test for spectral data reduction
- c16ab0d towsey - (#332) Add tests and rework existing tests for frequency scales
- 1598a40 towsey - (#332) Make Octave Scale methods more efficient
- 52556ac towsey - (#332) Shift methods to do with Mel scale
- e847cb7 towsey - (#332) Change Scale Type names
- ea1e55f towsey - (#332) Start setting up more detailed tests for octave frequency scales
- c20e4ca towsey - (#332) More work on Octave scales
- a7ca52f towsey - (#332) Work on Octave Spectrograms
- 055571e towsey - (#331) Update ActivityAndCover.cs
- 57cdec6 towsey - (#332) Produce Mel frequency scale spectorgrams
- 68a0ba2 towsey - (#332) Fix bug concerning assigning colour codes to spectrogram types
- d9688f9 towsey - (#332) Set up structure for two new spectrograms