Core Module for the Quest Network Quorum Consensus.
The Quorum Core module for the Quest Network Operating System interacts with Quest Coral JS, Quest Social JS and Quest Dolphin JS and can be loaded from qOS.
It synchronizes time and data resiliantly between peers. Uses elliptic curve cryptography in Quest PubSub JS.
qOS makes use of the Interplanetary Filesystem, IPFS GossipSub and IPFS DAGs.
When a peer quorum is used, Quest Quorum votes on a current time when assemblies are being created. It subsequently compares the responses and broadcasts of the participating peers.
Default Consensus: In a valid assembly at least 71% of peers have to return the same result for the response to be accepted.
Add-Ons: You can write add-ons for Quest Quorum that responses and broadcasted data is piped through. There is an official Quest Quorum Favorites consensus scheme that is used by qD Social and qD Messages.
- Basic functionality