Unified API for the QuestNetwork dStack. Use with our example app: qDesk.
Main strategy is to create a Quest Network / IPFS / Ethereum interface that even kids can easily understand.
qOS offers encrypted channels, persistent storage, peer management, timelines, posts and more. It is used to load add-on modules, like quest-coral-js to use IPFS DAGs, or quest-dolphin-js to use IPFS GossipSub.
qOS uses 4096 Bit RSA-OAEP encryption, 256 Bit AES-CBC encryption and NIST P-521 EC signatures.
npm install @questnetwork/[email protected]
git clone https://github.com/QuestNetwork/quest-os-js && cd quest-os-js && git checkout 0.9.4 && cd ..
Boots the operating system. The GitHub branches master/0.9.2/0.9.3+ boot with:
import { qOS } from '@questnetwork/quest-os-js'
// configure with a bootstrap swarm peer, for testing you can use:
let config = {
ipfs: {
Swarm: [<swarm star peer ip>,<swarm star peer ip>],
API: '',
Gateway: ''
version: <version>
dev: <true/false>
// boot the operating system
qOS.boot().then( () => {
//the operating system is online, build the future
TypeScript/Angular Service
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { qOS } from '@questnetwork/quest-os-js';
import * as swarmJson from '../swarm.json';
import packageJson from '../../../package.json';
const version = packageJson.version;
providedIn: 'root'
export class QuestOSService {
public os;
ready = false;
constructor() {
this.config = {
ipfs: {
Swarm: swarmJson['ipfs']['Swarm'],
API: '',
Gateway: ''
version: version,
dev: swarmJson['dev']
this.os = qOS;
async boot(){
await this.os.boot(this.config);
this.ready = true;
Returns true once boot is complete, otherwise returns false.
console.log("Ready To Sign In");
Returns a Subject that pushes next when boot is complete
if(<os>.onReady().subsribe( () => {
console.log("Ready To Sign In");
Reboots the entire system
Locks the system from saving any changes
Unlocks the system from saving changes and saves changes normally
Sets the storage location for the app. Normally Quest OS does this automatically and you do not need to call this function.
Possible locations are: "Download"
or "ConfigFile"
Returns a string with the current storage location
Sets the password to be used with the next signIn attempt.
Sets the password to be used for encryption. When you don't set this before sign in all data is encrypted with a random password.
Activates Accounts. Empty config creates a new account
Deactivates Accounts And Restarts The Interface On The Web, Closes The Current Window In Electron
Returns a subscribable Subject that fires when the account is signed in.
<os>.onSignIn().subscribe( () => {
console.log("Hello Universe");
Returns a boolean true or false
console.log("Hello Universe");
Returns the clean channel name
let claenChannelName = await <os>.channel.create('propaganda');
Removes a channel
Returns a Subject that forwards non-system channel messages.
<os>.channel.listen('propaganda----1234').subscribe( msg ){
Returns a Subject that forwards non-system channel messages.
await <os>.channel.publish('propaganda----1234',"Hello Universe");
Opens the channel to everyone who can solve the Captcha provided by Quest Image Captcha JS
Closes the channel to invite only participation
console.log("Hello Universe");
Creates a new channel invite, specify max uses of this invite code and whether or not to include your folder structure.
Removes a channel invite
Gets all invites for a channel
let invites = <os>.channel.invite.get('propaganda----1234');
Gets all invites for a channel
let invites = <os>.channel.invite.get('propaganda----1234');
Unfortunately nobody is working on a detailed API documentation yet, until then check out the source in qDesk Messages 0.9.3+ to see how to use the OS.
We recommend to use our quest-cli to test and build the package. It allows you to bootstrap your Quest Network apps with the same peers and settings.
Pro Tip: Put a file in your /bin
that runs the quest-cli like so node /path/to/quest-cli/index.js
from any folder on your system. It's much nicer!
- Encrypted P2P Channels
- API for high level IPFS functionality
- Saves Config
- Quest Ocean JS
- Quest Bee JS
- Quest Social JS
- Documentation Extended
- Easier Access
- Offer "LocalStorage" As A Storage Container On The Web To Stay Signed In
- Change Peer Configuration in browser, Electron and on NodeJS
- Module Upgrades
- Password
- Account Name
- Quest Quorum Module
- Democratically block or mute peers
- Faux requests. Send request in channel, wait for response, deliver response as if it was an http request.
- Ethereum Payment Integration Beta
- Quest Worker To Render
Files And Earn Rewards
Please consider supporting us, so that we can build a non-profit for this project (ツ)
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