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Cordova Android Sensor Listeners Plugin

This plugin gives easy access to every available Android's sensors.


cordova plugin add

API: sensors

sensors.addSensorListener(sensorType, samplingPeriod, listener, [callback]) ⇒ undefined

Add a sensor listener.

Kind: static method of sensors

Param Type Description
sensorType string The sensor type's constant name (as defined by Android's Sensor, but without the prefix "TYPE_").
samplingPeriod string The sampling period's constant name (as accepted by SensorManager#registerListener, but without the prefix "SENSOR_DELAY_").
listener sensorEventListener The listener to register.
[callback] errorFirstCallback A node-style callback to be called upon success or failure of the operation.


function listener(event) {
  console.log("device's rotation is " + event.values.join(","));

sensors.addSensorListener("ROTATION_VECTOR", "GAME", listener, function(error) {
  if (error) console.error("Could not listen to sensor");

sensors.removeSensorListener(sensorType, samplingPeriod, listener, [callback]) ⇒ undefined

Remove a sensor listener.

Kind: static method of sensors

Param Type Description
sensorType string The type of the sensor as registered when the listener was added (see addSensorListener).
samplingPeriod string The sampling period as registered when the listener was added (see addSensorListener).
listener sensorEventListener The listener to remove.
[callback] errorFirstCallback A node-style callback to be called upon success or failure of the operation.


sensors.removeSensorListener("ROTATION_VECTOR", "GAME", listener, function(error) {
  if (error) console.error("Could not stop listening to sensor");

SensorEvent : Object

Event emitted from sensors.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
sensor string The type of sensor that is listened to.
sampling string The sampling period the sensor is listened to by the receiving event listener.
timeStamp int The time the event was emitted.
values Array.<float> The sensor values.

errorFirstCallback : function

This callback is used to get responses from async calls. It complies with nodeJS callback style.

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
[err] * the error or undefined if everything went fine
data * the response or the called function

sensorEventListener : function

This listener is used to receive events from sensors.

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
evt SensorEvent the event emitted by one of the sensor