Patches XBOX360 isos to match entries
This little python script does mostly the same thing as "Xbox 360 Redump Patcher" by Starshadow.
In Detail, it has the following features:
- Does not rely on external tools or packages
- Checks for overdump/underdump of the iso and trims/pads the file accordingly
- Fills the L0 Video padding with zeros (done by abgx360 in Starshadow's script)
- Overwrites the stealth sectors with zeros (done by ppf patchfile in Starshadow's script)
Missing features to be implemented (please use abgx for that)
- Add/fix Video Partitions
- readding pfi info into the iso
Planned feature that the latest abgx Version (1.0.6) does not support
- add support for adding/fixing video partitions of wave 14+ games
Unfixable Issues
- AnyDVD style corruption
- Tampered files (e.g. some Scene releases have modified xex files of Japanese titles)
- maybe more
Python 3 <isofile>