QloApps 1.5.1
Added Features:
- Core:
- #208: "Catalog Mode" option added by which user can view room details but not able to create the bookings
Back Office:
- #206: Removed Other Modules setting from admin Hotel Reservation System -> Settings
- #200: Removed shipping option from car rule condition.
- #199: Removed "Display suppliers and manufacturers" and "Display best sellers" options from Admin Preferences controller
- #193: Removed Payment Modules setting from admin Hotel Reservation System -> Settings
- #189: Moved hotel selection from the configuration tab to the information tab
- #179: Added hotel column in room type feature pricing list
- #177: Removed multishop option
- #149: Removed carrier column from Booking Carts Controller
- #183: Added hotel name along with room name when adding the filter of room type for cart rule
- #204, #196, #182: Text Changes
- #110, #111: Code Optimization
- #223: getHotelCartBookingData() : function multiplication optimized
- #225: HotelRoomTypeFeaturePricing.php optimized (Removed unused variables, removed static values assigned)
- #218: Added hotel name column in order confirmation mail and invoice.
- #210: CMS page Delivery is not valid for hotel industry. So changed it to Policies page
- #205: Prevent deleting profile which is used by at least one employee
- #214: blockcart module :: Removed unused hooks displayLeftColumn and displayrightColumn
- #180: license file name changed from LICENSES to LICENSE
- #181: Readme file improvements with more information and links
- #221: dataforfrontsearch() function now calculate and provide "feature_price_diff" value in response
- #175: Changed QloApps versioning system (Ex: X.X.X.X)
- #175: Updated module compatibility check with QloApps version
- #215: "hotelreservationsystem.php" code optimization in hook "actionValidateOrder"
- #117, #118, #119, #120, #121, #122, #134, #137, #138, #139: Changes for PHP7 compatibility
- #178: Text Changes
- #198, #226: Multiple hooks are added in the different QloApps core files
- #217:
column inaddress
table added to track address creation source - #207: New order states 'Partial payment accepted' and 'Awaiting partial payment' added for the partial payment
Front Office:
- #222: Disabled mobile keyboard pop up when using date-picker in home search
- #208: Room type listing on search result page moved to different template "room_type_listing.tpl"
- #185: Replaced star rating plugin with jquery Raty in Product Comments module
- #156: "product.js" code multiplication optimized
- #215: "ajax-cart.js" add validation
- #125, #127, #141, #142: Changes for PHP7 compatibility
- #187: Display voucher name along with voucher code on order page
Bug Fixed:
Back Office:
- #211: Errors on cart rule page when adding room type, which is not assigned to the hotel, selected in room type condition
- #197: wrong theme information is displayed at Preferences -> Themes admin controller
- #195: Filter by position in the render lists of admin controllers
- #194: Entering the wrong discount while Group creation, page redirects to list page
- #192: Using the filter in the customer Group list, the page redirects to the previous list
- #189: Room Type associations with its hotel parent category
- #176: Birthday input field width in Helper Form
- #173: Undefined variable issue Manage Order Refund Request Controller
- #171: Multiple requests on a single click in Helper List
- #160: "Access Denied" issue when an employee other than super admin creates a new room.
- #168: Room number not updating after room reallocation and swap
- #162: Additional facility price changes for room type after saving
- #147: Creating order status without entering "status name", page redirects to a blank page
- #148: Creating order refund status without entering "status name", page redirects to list page
- #229: Resolved undefined variable error in Manage Order Refund Request Controller
Front Office:
- #212: Design issue of select in the ADDITIONAL FACILITIES if the text exceeds from the block in the product detail page
- #209: Errors on the search result page: If a new group is created and only this group is assigned to the customer
- #203: Guest is unable to submit Refund Request again after entering invalid Refund Reason once
- #158: Hotel selection in search panel for mobile devices
- #169: The wrong price displayed when booking from 1 March to 30 March
- #151: Room search check-in && check-out don't change when the friendly URL is disabled.