Multilevel Integrative Clustering (MIC recoded in C++), packaged by Qian Li
More technical details are available in this introduction and our manuscript.
Time series simulation:
## 3 subjects, each has 10 segments of simulated signals, coherence = 0.9
ts_sim <- MIC_sim(alpha = 0.9, nsub = 3, segs = 10, fs = 200)
Data preparation:
## Spectral Estimation and Eigen-Laplacian transformation
list_data <- lapply(ts_sim$Data, function(x) MIC_prep(X = x, d = 4,
par.spec = c(80, 50, 100), = c(3, 1)))
MIC clustering:
## MIC fitting with 10k iterations (9 secs)
start <- Sys.time()
output <- MIC(data = list_data, K = 4, nit = 10000);
Sys.time() - start
Clustering result:
## Group label accuracy:
sum(align(ts_sim$C, output$clustS, type = 'vec') == ts_sim$C) / 40
## Individual labels accuracy:
true_c <- lapply(1:3,function(i) ts_sim$Ci[,i]); est_c <- lapply(1:3,function(i) output$clustC[i,])
mapply(function(x,y) sum(align(x,y,'vec')==x)/40,
true_c, est_c)