It allows you to store information snippets (URLs, code, notes, etc.) and add keywords to find and access them again later. Try it out yourself using your Google account:
Please note that this is running on a free Heroku Dyno, so it might take a while to wake up 😴.
In case of feedback, improvements etc., feel free to create an issue or a PR.
There are basically three simple reasons:
- I use google keep for small, short-living snippets of information as well as for notifications. I use OneNote for (structured) stuff I actually work on. But there's nothing in between... I need a tool to store more or less unstructured stuff, that I want to keep (so longer living than keep ;)) but without all the boilerplate from OneNote. It should also be easily accessible from mobile devices as well as from desktop computers.
- I wanted to try the MERN-stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node).
- I wanted to have a go at implementing and thinking about a decent UI/UX concept.
The aim is to use only libraries that are really necessary. And to do the UI/UX stuff myself and not rely on things like Material or Office UI Fabric or Bootstrap, etc. I also try to use the newest versions of the depenencies, so I can tryout the newest features (e.g. React Hooks) 😎.
- TypeScript
- React
- Styled Components (no SASS)
- RxJS (no redux, no mobx, etc.)
- TypeScript
- NodeJS
- MongoDB (no mongoose)
- Express