AdvWGAN is designed to generate adversarial example by using a modified WassersteinGAN and can be use with black-box classifier.
All files are available here
You first need a classifier, here we use the following class to define one.
class Classifier:
def __init__(self, path='saved_models/FC_DFC'):
self.path = path
def load_model(self):
json_file = open(self.path+'.json', 'r')
loaded_model_json =
self.model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json)
def load_weights(self):
def predict(self, X):
X = np.reshape(X, (-1, 48))
return self.model.predict_proba([X])
You must use a dataset object like
data = dataset.Dataset(X, y)
For the wgan you can use your own methods or user some of ours
generator = models.make_g_conv_1d(img_size=48, hiddens_dims=[256,128,64], o=tf.nn.tanh)
discriminator = models.make_d_conv_1d(hiddens_dims=[64,128,256])
Then the easiest way to create a gan is by using a CFG file
advgan = gan.make_gan('cfg/DFC.cfg')
You have to set your generator, discriminator, classifier and dataset
Finally, you can build your model
Training is pretty straightforward, the only thing tricky is the print function you want, you can use one of ours or code your own
advgan.train(print_method= print_functions.plot_samples_mean_std())
Once training is done, you can use the generator like this
g = advgan.load_and_generate('AdvGAN_DFC_ct', batch_size=512)
With this classifier
You can generate these images, in red you can see the prediction
With this classifier
You can generate these spectrum (class 1)