- PCS CAN BUS: Baudrate: 500K => ESP32 + CAN Transceiver board TJA1050 or SN65HVD230
- InterCan CAN BUS: Baudrate: 250K => MCP2515 over SPI
- PCS which gives array summary information
- We use a RJ45 splitter so that the inverter maintains communication with the top computer BMS
- InterCAN which gives more specific information like cell voltages
- 142 for only pack 1 and 59 for each pack thereafter
- CAN ID: 0x110 was only partially integrated
- Bytes 0 to 6 were skipped, which is another 56 entities per pack
- Bytes 0 to 6 were skipped, which is another 56 entities per pack
Connection diagrams from esphome.io
- Adminius for the work on PCS :)