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  1. Run sudo apt-get install imagemagick.

  2. Run npm install to install dependencies.

  3. Run npm install -g grunt-cli to install globally grunt's command line interface.

  4. Add execute permission to scripts/, run chmod a+rwx scripts/

  5. Run grunt run:create_db to create the database.

Build & development

  1. Add execute permission to scripts/, run chmod a+x scripts/

  2. Run npm start to start application. This will also create the database structure for the first time.


  1. Running npm test will run the unit tests and integration tests.

Database seeds

Gruntfile includes a task to populate database tables basing located at /config/seeds/database_seed.json file.

To add new records to the db:

  1. Make sure you've run npm start at least once to create the database structure. Other way next steps will fail.

  2. Run npm install -g grunt-cli to install grunt's command line interface. (if you didn't do it before).

  3. Add content to database_seed.json providing a valid json.

  4. Truncate db tables if neccessary, as seed does not remove anything. Just adds missing records.

  5. Move to Gruntfile directory.

  6. Run grunt fixtures:import_default_data.

  7. Add execute permission to scripts/, run chmod a+x scripts/

  8. Run grunt run:advance_sq.

Seeds with test data

  1. Make sure you've run npm start at least once to create the database structure. Other way next steps will fail.

  2. Move to Gruntfile directory.

  3. Run grunt fixtures:import_test_data.

  4. Add execute permission to scripts/, run chmod a+x scripts/

  5. Run grunt run:insert_project_integration_records.

  6. Add execute permission to scripts/, run chmod a+x scripts/

  7. Run grunt run:create_searcheable_text_for_users.