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If you have any GitHub Dorks, just create a PullRequest.


  • best aws secret dorks
  • best misspelled keywords dorks
  • best db pw dorks
  • best credentials combis
  • best github secret combis
  • CMS github secret
  • htacces dorks
  • email dorks
  • github dorks how-to
  • github dorks Writeups




  • Check out the commits
  • Check out the company staff GitHub repos
  • Check for company secret words

GitHub security best practices

  • Always check/review your code: this will help you identify any employee's bad security practices.
  • Clear your GitHub history to protect your most sensitive information.
  • Use ENV variables to store key information in CI/CD. Tools such as Vault are one of the best suggestions for these situations.
  • If you are sure that the data has been exposed, make sure to invalidate the token and password.
  • Configure 2FA for all your GitHub accounts
  • Once employees no longer work for your company, be sure to revoke all their access rights.
  • Write and publish a disclosure policy in your file. Never let your company’s developers share GitHub credentials with anyone.

GitHub Dorks for Finding Files

  • filename:manifest.xml
  • filename:travis.yml
  • filename:vim_settings.xml
  • filename:database
  • filename:prod.exs NOT prod.secret.exs
  • filename:prod.secret.exs
  • filename:.npmrc _auth
  • filename:.dockercfg auth
  • filename:WebServers.xml
  • filename:.bash_history
  • filename:sftp-config.json
  • filename:sftp.json path:.vscode
  • filename:secrets.yml password
  • filename:.esmtprc password
  • filename:passwd path:etc
  • filename:dbeaver-data-sources.xml
  • path:sites databases password
  • filename:config.php dbpasswd
  • filename:prod.secret.exs
  • filename:configuration.php JConfig password
  • filename:.sh_history
  • shodan_api_key language:python
  • filename:shadow path:etc
  • filename:proftpdpasswd
  • filename:.pgpass
  • filename:idea14.key
  • filename:hub oauth_token
  • HEROKU_API_KEY language:json
  • HEROKU_API_KEY language:shell
  • SF_USERNAME salesforce
  • filename:.bash_profile aws
  • extension:json
  • filename:.env
  • filename:wp-config.php
  • extension:sql mysql dump
  • filename:credentials aws_access_key_id
  • filename:id_rsa or filename:id_dsa

GitHub Dorks for Finding Languages

  • language:python username
  • language:php username
  • language:sql username
  • language:html password
  • language:perl password
  • language:shell username
  • language:java api
  • HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN language:shell

GiHub Dorks for Finding API Keys, Tokens and Passwords

  • api_key
  • “api keys”
  • authorization_bearer:
  • oauth
  • auth
  • authentication
  • client_secret
  • api_token:
  • “api token”
  • client_id
  • password
  • user_password
  • user_pass
  • passcode
  • client_secret
  • secret
  • password hash
  • OTP
  • user auth

GitHub Dorks for Finding Usernames

  • user:name (user:admin)
  • org:name (org:google type:users)
  • in:login ( in:login)
  • in:name ( in:name)
  • fullname:firstname lastname (fullname: )
  • in:email (data in:email)

GitHub Dorks for Finding Information using Dates

  • created:<2012–04–05
  • created:>=2011–06–12
  • created:2016–02–07 location:iceland
  • created:2011–04–06..2013–01–14 in:username ...

GitHub Dorks for Finding Information using Extension

  • extension:pem private
  • extension:ppk private
  • extension:sql mysql dump
  • extension:sql mysql dump password
  • extension:json
  • extension:json
  • extension:yaml
  • [WFClient] Password= extension:ica
  • extension:avastlic “”
  • extension:json googleusercontent client_secret ...


Disclaimer: DONT BE A JERK!

Needless to mention, please use this tool very very carefully. The authors won't be responsible for any consequences.