To demonstrate WireMock capabilities in testing the API services.
Category | Value |
Language | Java |
Mock Library | WireMock |
Rest Client | WebClient |
Build Tool | Maven |
Test Tool | JUNIT5 |
framework | Spring Boot |
Report | Maven Surefire Report Plugin |
- Simulating an external service
- Simulating latency
- Simulating error response
- Simulating network errors
- WireMockExtension is for JUnit5 and SpringBoot to support WireMock.
- ConfigureWireMock to enable embedded wiremock server.
- Stub gets added to wiremock server and client can interact with server.
- Response Template Transformer to generate dynamic http response.
- Verify DSL to ensure rest call os made through client and monitor service hits.
Run tests:
mvn clean test surefire-report:report
Maven Surefire Report Plugin will generate report all the test run in the execution
Sample screenshot of report for the execution below: