####How to use jsPdfTablePlugin
/* install using bower */
bower install jspdf-table-plugin
Download the file jspdf.plugin.table.js from this repository
height = doc.drawTable(objectArray,configObject)
/* both parameters are mandatory */
jsPdfTablePlugin expects an objectArray and configObject
Each key in an object in objectArray represents a column,and the
no of rows will be equal to objectArray length.
jsPdfTablePlugin return's the current y position of Document,for further edition of Document.
ConfigObject properties xstart ,ystart,tablestart,marginright,xOffset,yOffset.
xstart - horizontal starting position for table(it works as marginleft)
tablestart - vertical starting position for table in the starting page
ystart - vertical starting position for table in next pages if the records exceed present page
marginright - this plugin uses full page width if u you wish to decrese the width of table increase
marginleft value
xOffset - horizontal padding in cell //Optional default value 10px(don't give larger padding values)
yOffset - vetrical padding in cell // Optional default value 10px(don't give larger padding values)
columnWidths - user specified column width values(should be given for all the columns)
doc.drawTable returns current editing position.
if the returned value is greater than doc.internal.pageSize.height you should
add a new page for further editing
u can change the table header fill color by changing values in drawRows Method
table plugin uses the fontSize and fontStyle set by the user
xOffset and yOffset values should not be morethan 15 if it is more than this value plugin may not handle
the operation properly.
var data = []
,fontSize = 12
,height = 0
doc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'a4', true);
doc.setFont("courier", "normal");
doc.text(50,100,"hi table");
function generate() {
for (var insert = 0; insert <= 20; insert++) {
"name" : "jspdf plugin",
"version" : insert,
"author" : "Prashanth Nelli",
"Designation" : "AngularJs Developer"
height = doc.drawTable(data, {xstart:10,ystart:10,tablestart:70,marginleft:50});
doc.text(50, height + 20, 'hi world');
jsPdfTablePlugin provides tableToJson method this converts the table into json array
tableToJson(id) method accepts one argument it should be an id of a table
usage :-
var doc = new jsPDF('p','pt','a4',true);
data=doc.tableToJson(id) //returns json array
Note:- colspan feature is not supported
tableToJson method assusmes first row in the table to be the keys of the objects in jsonarray
####These are the following Edge cases where this plugin might not work properly
1.If the no of rows consists of large blocks is more.
2.xOffset and yOffset values are more than the recommended value 15
###Planned Features:-