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INE Places gem

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INE Places gem aims to help you to deal with Autonomous Regions, Provinces and Municipalities from Spain. This data is provided by the INE (Instituto Nacional Estadística) in these URLs (see the Data License section for details about reuse rights):

According to that webpage the data was updated the 3rd of February, 2015. As you might know municipalities data changes along the years: sometimes two municipalities are merged in a single one more information in Spanish. For this reason it's important to know the date of the data. The data included in this gem has been processed based on the data published on the INE (so, it was processed after the 3rd of Feb, 2015).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ine-places', require: 'ine'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ine-places


This gem provides three Ruby classes:

  • INE::Places::AutonomousRegion

  • INE::Places::Province

  • INE::Places::Place

The data of these models is loaded from three CSV files included as part of the gem. Because the size of the data is quite small, this gem will load all the data in memory.


This model represents the autonomous regions in Spain.

The attributes of this model are:

  • id: INE code
  • name: the official name in the INE
  • slug: a sanitized unique name, valid for URLs
  • lon: longitude of the central point
  • lat: latitude of the central point

To obtain all the autonomous regions:


To obtain a single one based on the INE code:

=> #<INE::Places::AutonomousRegion id="1", name="Andalucía", slug="andalucia", lon="-4.7277528", lat="37.5442706">

To obtain a single one based on the name:

=> #<INE::Places::AutonomousRegion id="1", name="Andalucía", slug="andalucia", lon="-4.7277528", lat="37.5442706">

To obtain a single one based on the slug:

=> #<INE::Places::AutonomousRegion id="1", name="Andalucía", slug="andalucia", lon="-4.7277528", lat="37.5442706">


This model represents the provinces in Spain

The attributes of this model are:

  • id: INE code
  • name: the official name in the INE
  • slug: a sanitized unique name, valid for URLs
  • autonomous_region_id: the INE code of the autonomous region
  • autonomous_region: the AutonomousRegion object
  • lon: longitude of the central point
  • lat: latitude of the central point

To obtain all the provinces:


To obtain a single one based on the INE code:

=> #<INE::Places::Province id="1", name="Araba/Álava", slug="alava", autonomous_region_id="16", lon="-2.6983868", lat="42.9099989", autonomous_region=#<INE::Places::AutonomousRegion id="16", name="País Vasco", slug="pais-vasco", lon="-2.6189273", lat="42.9896248">>

To obtain a single one based on the name:

=> #<INE::Places::Province id="1", name="Araba/Álava", slug="alava", autonomous_region_id="16", lon="-2.6983868", lat="42.9099989", autonomous_region=#<INE::Places::AutonomousRegion id="16", name="País Vasco", slug="pais-vasco", lon="-2.6189273", lat="42.9896248">>

To obtain a single one based on the slug:

=> #<INE::Places::Province id="1", name="Araba/Álava", slug="alava", autonomous_region_id="16", lon="-2.6983868", lat="42.9099989", autonomous_region=#<INE::Places::AutonomousRegion id="16", name="País Vasco", slug="pais-vasco", lon="-2.6189273", lat="42.9896248">>


This model represents the municipalities in Spain

The attributes of this model are:

  • id: INE code
  • name: the official name in the INE
  • slug: a sanitized unique name, valid for URLs
  • province_id: the INE code of the province
  • province: the Province object
  • lon: longitude of the central point
  • lat: latitude of the central point

To obtain all the places:


To obtain a single one based on the INE code:

=> #<INE::Places::Place id="46078", name="Burjassot", slug="burjassot", province_id="46", lon="-0.4135963", lat="39.5096699", province=#<INE::Places::Province id="46", name="Valencia/València", slug="valencia", autonomous_region_id="10", lon="-0.3762881", lat="39.4699075", autonomous_region=#<INE::Places::AutonomousRegion id="10", name="Comunidad Valenciana", slug="comunidad-valenciana", lon="-0.7532808999999999", lat="39.4840108">>>

To obtain a single one based on the name:

=> #<INE::Places::Place id="46078", name="Burjassot", slug="burjassot", province_id="46", lon="-0.4135963", lat="39.5096699", province=#<INE::Places::Province id="46", name="Valencia/València", slug="valencia", autonomous_region_id="10", lon="-0.3762881", lat="39.4699075", autonomous_region=#<INE::Places::AutonomousRegion id="10", name="Comunidad Valenciana", slug="comunidad-valenciana", lon="-0.7532808999999999", lat="39.4840108">>>

To obtain a single one based on the slug:

=> #<INE::Places::Place id="46078", name="Burjassot", slug="burjassot", province_id="46", lon="-0.4135963", lat="39.5096699", province=#<INE::Places::Province id="46", name="Valencia/València", slug="valencia", autonomous_region_id="10", lon="-0.3762881", lat="39.4699075", autonomous_region=#<INE::Places::AutonomousRegion id="10", name="Comunidad Valenciana", slug="comunidad-valenciana", lon="-0.7532808999999999", lat="39.4840108">>>

Hydratating models with data (experimental feature)

It's quite common to work with data related with the entities provided by this gem. For example, to know the debt of a place, the amount of schools, the number of inhabitants, and so on. This data lives in external sources, such a CSV or a JSON file, or an API endpoint but can be co-related with the entities using an ID column.

Hydratation feature helps you with this issue. For the moment it's very experimental but allows you to add basics sets of data from a local CSV file.

For example, given a CSV file with a single row:


You could hydratate the model INE::Places::Place using the .hydrate function:

INE::Places.hydratate INE::Places::Place, 'spec/fixtures/happiness.csv', id_column: 'municipio',
                                                                         as: :happiness,
                                                                         value_column: 'value',
                                                                         convert_to: :float

You just need to provide:

  • id column, to match the IDs
  • the as column, with the name of the new method
  • the value column, to know exactly where the value is

After hydratating a class, every object of the class has the new method in the .data property:
#> 100


After checking out the repository, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Data License

We have created the CSV files we use as source for the gem to make data availabale from data extracted from INE. In spanish and according to INE's own formula:

Elaboración propia con datos extraídos del sitio web del INE:

Please read the conditions about reusing the data provided by this gem in INE's Licensing page (in spanish).


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.