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Frequently Asked Questions

Plajer edited this page Jul 13, 2018 · 4 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Table of contents

Supported versions of Build Battle 3

Supported versions are currently 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x and 1.12.x. If your plugin doesn't startup and you don't have this version you're receiving this message:

  _   _           _                                                    _                _ 
 | \ | |   ___   | |_     ___   _   _   _ __    _ __     ___    _ __  | |_    ___    __| |
 |  \| |  / _ \  | __|   / __| | | | | | '_ \  | '_ \   / _ \  | '__| | __|  / _ \  / _` |
 | |\  | | (_) | | |_    \__ \ | |_| | | |_) | | |_) | | (_) | | |    | |_  |  __/ | (_| |
 |_| \_|  \___/   \__|   |___/  \__,_| | .__/  | .__/   \___/  |_|     \__|  \___|  \__,_|
                                       |_|     |_|                                        
Your server version is not supported by Village Defense!
Sadly, we must shut off. Maybe you consider changing your server version?

Players can't join through signs

This is a very common problem in every minigame plugin.

It's caused by spawn protection feature in vanilla Minecraft.

To disable this go to and change spawn-protection value to 0.

Scoreboard variables

Variable Description Requirements
%MIN_PLAYERS% Minimum players size none
%MAX_PLAYERS% Maximum players size none
%PLAYERS% Size of players in arena none
%PLAYER% Name of player none
%THEME% Current theme string none
%TIMER% Current arena timer (ex. 10 seconds before start) none
%TIME_LEFT% Build time left, voting time left none
%FORMATTED_TIME_LEFT% Formatted above-mentioned placeholder (ex. 0m10s) none
%ARENA_ID% Arena ID string none
%TEAMMATE% In-game teammate nick Teams game type
%MONEY% Current balance of player Vault