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Telegram bot for automatically banning spammers in Telegram chats. Can generate captcha, reports and has integration with LLM.


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Telegram Vixen Bot

Checkout Build DockerHub License: MIT

Telegram Vixen Bot is a bot for automatically banning spammers in Telegram chats. Written in Dart that helps prevent spam in Telegram groups by generating and sending CAPTCHA challenges to new users with a virtual keyboard. It automatically deletes initial messages from unverified users and supports multiple blocking modes.

✨ Features

  • CAPTCHA Verification: Requires new users to complete a CAPTCHA before they can send messages.
  • Blocking Modes: Supports different verification and restriction mechanisms.
  • Admin API: Provides an API for managing bot settings and operations.
  • SQLite Storage: Stores persistent data in an SQLite database.
  • Group-Specific Monitoring: Watches only designated groups.
  • Metrics Support: Tracks bot performance and user activity.
  • Flexible Configuration: Configurable via command-line arguments, .env file, or environment variables.
  • Cross-Platform: Runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, Docker. AMD64 and ARM64 architectures are supported.
  • Combot Anti-Spam: Checks messages with Combot Anti-Spam API.
  • Reports: Sends reports about activity in the chat.
  • Summary: Sends a summary of the chat activity for the last 24 hours.
  • Clown Reactions: Reacts to messages with a clown emoji.
  • Open-Source: Available under the MIT License.

🛡️ Manages the following chats

🚀 Getting Started

The bot supports configuration via command-line arguments, environment variables, or a .env file.

💻 Minimum System Requirements

To run the Telegram Vixen Bot, ensure your system meets the following minimum requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows, macOS, or a recent Linux distribution
  • Processor: x86_64 or ARM64
  • Memory: 128 MB RAM
  • Storage: 100 MB available space
  • Docker: (Optional) For running the bot in a containerized environment

🔧 Install Dependencies

Ensure you have Dart SDK installed. Then, run:

dart pub get
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

▶ Run the Bot

You can start the bot using command-line arguments:

dart run bin/vixen.dart --token=123:ABC-DEF --chats=123,-456,-789 --secret=1234567890

Or set the configuration using environment variables:

export CONFIG_CHATS="123,-456,-789"
export CONFIG_SECRET="1234567890"
dart run bin/vixen.dart

Alternatively, create a .env file:

echo "token=123:ABC-DEF" > .env
echo "chats=123,-456,-789" >> .env
echo "secret=1234567890" >> .env

Then, start the bot:

dart run bin/vixen.dart

⚙️ Configuration

Argument Environment Description Default
-t --token CONFIG_TOKEN (Required) Telegram bot token
-c --chats CONFIG_CHATS Comma-separated list of chat IDs
-s --secret CONFIG_SECRET Secret admin API key
-d --db CONFIG_DB Path to the SQLite database file data/vixen.db
-a --address CONFIG_ADDRESS Address to bind the server to
-p --port CONFIG_PORT Port to bind the server to 8080
-v --verbose CONFIG_VERBOSE Logs: all/debug/info/warn/error warn
--offset CONFIG_OFFSET Offset for Telegram updates -
--cas CONFIG_CAS Check messages with Combot Anti-Spam on
--report-hour CONFIG_REPORT-HOUR The hour to send daily report 17
--openai-key CONFIG_OPENAI-KEY OpenAI API key for summarization
--openai-url CONFIG_OPENAI-URL OpenAI API endpoint
--openai-model CONFIG_OPENAI-MODEL OpenAI model gpt-4o-mini
--clown CONFIG_CLOWN Chance of clown reaction 0

To see all available options, run:

dart run bin/vixen.dart --help

🏗️ Building

🛠️ How to compile

dart pub get
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
dart compile exe bin/vixen.dart -o

🐋 How to Docker

docker build -t vixen:latest .
docker compose up

📝 Contributers

🤝 Funding

If you want to support the development of our library, there are several ways you can do it:

We appreciate any form of support, whether it's a financial donation or just a star on GitHub. It helps us to continue developing and improving our library. Thank you for your support!

📜 License

This project is licensed under The MIT License.