Get Binance P2P order notification when order created, cancelled, paid or completed etc. With this repo you will receive telegram notification for your binance P2P order status.
- Create account on Telegram (skip if you have)
- Create Telegram Bot Goto Bot help follow steps at the END Copy TOKEN save to Notepad for later use
- Open created Bot and click START
- Goto @getuseridbot and click START and copy NUMERIC VALUE this is your CHAT ID save to Notepad for later use
- Signup for Binance (skip if you have)
- Enable Two-factor Authentication (skip if you're done already)
- Go API Center, Create New Api Key and follow steps and at the END, SET API restrictions to **ENABLE READING ** only
- Copy API Key and Secret Key save to Notepad for later use
- Install Python
- Download or Clone Repo and open it's folder.
- Create .env file in root folder and copy , paste below code and fill details you saved before
TELEGRAM_TOKEN=your telegram token
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=your telegram chat id
BINANCE_API_KEY=binance api key
BINANCE_SECRET_KEY=binance api secret
- install using this Command
pip3 install requirements.txt
orpip3 install requests python-binance python-dotenv
- Run using this Command
- Create account on Heroku (skip if you have)
- Login to Heroku (if you are not)
- Click
- Give any name in "App name" field
- Fill required fields in "Config Vars"
- Click "Deploy app"
👤 Piyush Dixit
- Github: @PiyushDixit96
- Telegram: @Killer_PD
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
If this library helped you out feel free to donate.
- BTC: bc1qqewkmv335jdrt0jz6rn9sdm4jltd60qfw24fr9
- ETH: 0xE7212AAD5A8cE7eb02eF9Bee05332A679811dAf1
- NEO: AUp6giUAxQ3Y3RY8bUCuHrTa7HU25Ltuh4