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✂️ A lightweight and concise API client DSL.

The goal of this library is to provide a concise, easy to use and discoverable DSL to perform any request that stays open to any customization.

This implies a small number of feature to help your structure your API client:

  • centralize base path and common configuration in a client
  • straightforward JSON encoding and decoding
  • simple and generic authentication mechanism
  • singular requests customization
  • intuitive error qualification

If you know Alamofire, this lib has some similarities except it's way smaller and stays closer to URLRequest - you don't need to learn much to use it efficiently.

As a side note, retry mechanisms are out of the table. Better use SwiftRetrier to retry your requests easily and with full control.

Create an API Client

All you need is a base URL

let baseUrl = URL(string: "")!
let client = ApiClient(baseUrl: baseUrl)
    .httpStatusCodeRange() // Validator ensuring status code is in 200..<300

Use it

// Simple fetch
let profile: Profile = try await client.get("user/profile").perform() // `Profile` must conform to `Decodable`

// Post a JSON body
try await"user/profile", body: newProfile).perform() // `newProfile`'s type must conform to `Encodable`

// Fetch both parsed JSON body and `HTTPURLResponse`
let response: Response<Profile> = try await client.get("user/profile").perform()

// Fetch both `Data` body and `HTTPURLResponse`
let response: Response<Data> = try await client.get("user/profile").perform()

// Add query items
let response: Response<Profile> = try await client
    .queryItem(name: "context", "new-user") // One by one
    .queryItems([ // Or all at once
        "user": "48",
        "flow": "signUp"

// Add multipart form data
let response: Profile = try await client
    .multipartFormData {
        TextField(name: "type", value: "driver-license")
        DataField(name: "file",
                  filename: "file.pdf",
                  data: fileData,
                  mimeType: "application/pdf")

// Download a file
try await client.get("user/bills/8").download(destination: localDestinationUrl)

Numerous built-in modifiers are available, you can discover them easily using your IDE's completion.


You can provide a request modifier that injects authentication.

// Using a built-in modifier asynchronously
let client = ApiClient(baseUrl: baseUrl)
    .authentication {
        let token = try await getToken()
        return .bearer(token)

// Or a custom one
let client = ApiClient(baseUrl: baseUrl)
    .authentication {
        let token = try await getToken()
        $0.setValue("Bearer \(token)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")

// Authenticated
let profile: Profile = client.get("user/profile").perform()

// Unauthenticated
let news: News = client.get("news", bypassAuth: true).perform()

Advanced Usage

You can fully customize your client

// Pass custom attributes
let client = ApiClient(urlSession: customSession, 
                       baseUrl: baseUrl,
                       jsonEncoder: customEncoder,
                       jsonDecoder: customDecoder)
    // Use built-in request modifiers
    // Custom URLRequest modifier
    .modifier { // You can try and await in all modifiers
        $0.cachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
    // Custom validator
    .validator {
        if $0.httpResponse.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Custom-Header") == nil {
            throw MyError()

and your requests

let news: News = client
    .get("news", bypassAuth: true, body: someEncodable, jsonEncoder: customEncoder)
    .allowsCellularAccess(false) // Use built-in modifiers
    .modifier { // Or custom ones
        $0.cachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
    .validator { // Add custom validation
        if $0.body.isEmpty, $0.httpResponse.statusCode == 202 {
            throw MyCustomError()
    .perform(jsonDecoder: customDecoder)

Errors thrown by ApiClient

ApiClient throws RequestErrors that wrap source errors helping you identify at which stage your request failed.

It exposes a qualified error enum embedding the source URLRequest:

public enum RequestError: Error {

    /// Error thrown by a modifier (including authentication one)
    case modify(URLRequest, Error)
    /// Error thrown when performing the actual URLRequest
    case transport(URLRequest, Error)
    /// Error thrown by a validator
    case validate(URLRequest, data: Data, response: HTTPURLResponse, error: Error)
    /// Exotic error that should be considered as fatal, can be a JSON decoding one for example,
    /// switch on nested error if you need to discriminate.
    case fatal(FatalError)

You can easily check it:

do {
    let profile: Profile = try await client.get("user/profile").perform()
} catch {
    let requestError = error.asRequestError
    switch requestError {
        case .transport(_, let sourceError):
            print("transport error: \(sourceError.localizedDescription)")
            print("other error")

    // Priviledged access to validation error
    if let myError = requestError.validationError as? MyError {
        print("MyError was thrown during validation")

    // Rich description of the error, including request URL for traceability


If you use custom request modifiers or response validators in multiple places, you can add them to the DSL easily.

This will make them easily discoverable by completion and available in client and request building.

Custom Modifier

extension RequestModifier {

    static func customModifier() -> RequestModifier {
        .init {
            $0.cachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData

extension RequestModifiable {

    func customModifier() -> Self {

Custom Validator

extension ResponseValidator {

    static func customValidator() -> ResponseValidator {
        .init {
            if $0.body.isEmpty, $0.httpResponse.statusCode == 202 {
                throw MyCustomError()

extension ResponseValidatable {

    func customValidator() -> Self {


Feel free to make any comment, criticism, bug report or feature request using Github issues. You can also directly send me an email at pierre strange "a" with a long round tail


SwiftApiDsl is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.