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Pisano Feedback SDK

Pisano feedback sdk is the customer experience management platform.


Feedback Flutter Plugin for customer experience management on Android and iOS.


In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:

      ref: <latest_version>


For a comprehensive understanding of how to use this, refer to the example provided.

Import package:

import 'package:feedback_flutter_sdk/feedback_flutter_sdk.dart';


      "applicationId": "",
      "accessKey": "",
      "apiUrl": "",
      "feedbackUrl": "",
      "eventUrl": "",
Parameter Name Type Description
applicationId String The application ID that can be obtained from Pisano Dashboard
accessKey String The access key can be obtained from Pisano Dashboard
apiUrl String The URL of API that will be accessed
feedbackUrl String Base URL for survey
eventUrl String Event Url for track

      viewMode: ViewMode,
      title: "",
      titleFontSize: 20,
      flowId: "",
      language: "",
      customer: {
        "name": "",
        "externalId": "",
        "email": "",
        "phoneNumber": "",
        "customAttrs": {
            "your_key_one": "your value 1",
            "your_key_two": "your value 2"
      payload: {
          "your_key_one": "your value 1",
Parameter Name Type Description
viewMode ViewMode View Mode of Flow Screen, Default or Bottom Sheet
title String Custom Title of Flow Screen
titleFontSize String Custom Title Font Size
flowId String The ID of related flow. Can be obtained from Pisano Dashboard. Can be sent as empty string "" for default flow
language String language code
payload HashMap<String, String> Question and related answer in an array (mostly uses for pre-loaded responses to take transactional data(s))
customer HashMap<String, Any> Please check the table below for the details of this dictionary

customer keys

Key Name Type Description
email String The email of the customer
phoneNumber String The phone number of the customer
name String The name of the customer
externalId String lThe external ID of the customer
customAttrs Dictionary your custom keys and values

payload keys

Key Name Type Description
your_custom_key Any your custom key and value


      customer: {
        "name": "",
        "externalId": "",
        "email": "",
        "phoneNumber": "",
        "customAttrs": {
            "your_key_one": "your value 1",
            "your_key_two": "your value 2"
      payload: {
          "your_key_one": "your value 1",
Parameter Name Type Description
event String event name
payload HashMap<String, String> Question and related answer in an array (mostly uses for pre-loaded responses to take transactional data(s))
customer HashMap<String, Any> Please check the table below for the details of this dictionary

customer keys

Key Name Type Description
email String The email of the customer
phoneNumber String The phone number of the customer
name String The name of the customer
externalId String lThe external ID of the customer
your_custom_key Any your custom key and value

payload keys

Key Name Type Description
your_custom_key Any your custom key and value


iOS Android
alt-text-1 alt-text-2


Copyright Pisano 2022.

Pisano Feedback SDK is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.