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PinkCrab Collection

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Version 0.2.0

This library was extracted from the PinkCrab Plugin Framework (Perique)


Give access to a basic collection with all expected functionlaity, filtering, mapping, folding, sorting and comparing. But is also extendable for creating custom collections, which can be expanded and typed. A fairly simple, but extendable Collection.


composer install pink-crab/collection

Basic Useage

See ./docs for more details and examples.

$collection = new Collection(['1',2,'3']);
$collection->apply(fn($e) => (string) $e);
var_dump($collection); // ['1','2','3','4'];

$collection = new Collection([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]);
$collection->filter(fn($e) => $e % 2 == 0);
var_dump($collection); // [2,4,6,8,10];

Extendable Traits

The Collection package comes with a few Traits which can be used when creating custom collections. These can either be created on the fly using anonymous classes or through defining them as full classes.

$indexed_collection = new class() extends \PinkCrab\Collection\Collection {
	use \PinkCrab\Collection\Traits\Indexed;

$indexed_collection->set( 'key1', 'value1' );
$indexed_collection->has( 'key1' ); //true
var_dump( $indexed_collection );

// As a full class.
class Indexed_Collection extends \PinkCrab\Collection\Collection {
	use \PinkCrab\Collection\Traits\Indexed;

$indexed_collection = new Indexed_Collection();
$indexed_collection->set( 'key1', 'value1' );
$indexed_collection->has( 'key1' ); //true
var_dump( $indexed_collection );

Typed & Mapped Collections


class Post_Collection extends Collection {
	// Filter out anything not matching.
	protected function map_construct( array $data ): array {
		return array_filter(fn($e): bool => is_a($data, \WP_Post::class));

$posts = Post_Collection::from([$post1, null, $post2, false, WP_Error]);
var_dump($posts->to_array()); // [$post1, $post2];

	print $e->post_title . PHP_EOL;
// Post Title 1
// Post Title 2


Change Log

  • 0.2.0 - Added in option callbacks for diff and intersect, complete with helper functions for checking based on object instance or values/type. Also includes the group_by() method.
  • 0.1.0 - Added Has_ArrayAccess and Is_Iterable traits to allow the implementation of the interfaces. Added docs from existing GitBook repo.
  • 0.0.0 - Extracted from the PinkCrab Plugin Framework as a standalone package.