Releases: Philhil/DienstplanDLRG
Releases · Philhil/DienstplanDLRG
Change log 2022.1:
- Upgrade to Laravel 9 (LTS)
- Add a Calendar
- Add Survey module
- bugfix: When edit on training without changing Date, the Date was wrongly changed to now(). This is fixed
- bugfix: Mailing of assigned user is now delaied by 5 minutes. If assigning multiple users to a service in a timespan of 5 minutes, all users has a oferview of staffing in there mail
- bugfix: Holiday issue #106 Service/Training on the last day of holiday where not present in gray when they are not whole day events
- bugfix: Stats shows wrong: Anzahl User mit min. einen Dienst #99
- backup of application itself is removed. The database backup is of course still available.
Change log 2021.3:
- It is possible now to create services that are the same for multiple dates
- Improve Training: delete self participation (meldung zurückziehen) on mobile view;
- User overview: possible to sort, filter, export and show qualifications
- Not Available / Holidays implemented
- Hide names when weekly mail is send via mailing list because of privacy reasons
- When creating a training, no mail is sending now by default
- Advanced statistics
- Bug remove:
- create and delete Qualifications do not bring 404 anymore
- Qualification default positions count shows always 1
- ics file on approve mail contains wrong time
- problems when remove a user of a client
- hide list item marker
- user can revert candidate
This is a bugfix release and some basic changes:
- Mails are send by .env settings. On each Mail a reply to is set with the client "Absender Einstellungen" data
Fixed BUGS
- Edit Qualifications do not create a new one anymore
- Trainingspoints: In userview only relevant Points (where a qualification of user in a trainings exsists in current season) are shown
- When superadmin assign module a Module it changes now at the correct client
This release contains various features and bug fixes:
- fix crash on edit an empty service and add a position
- improve spam protection 📨
- some select lists (dropdowns) have not been displayed correctly
- collect some site statistics to focus on improvements in feature 📈
- Training: a new module to manage trainings
- Training points: a new module to award training participation
- Admin trigger: Send Wachplan, export Wachplan function on Dashboard
- Service contain now starttime, endtime and location
- open to public. Client registration is open by now. Therefore login and onboarding are redesigned 📯
This release contains various features and bugfixes:
- fix notifications when creating and deleting objects
- fix deleting users by superadmin
- reset hall of fame every season
- Add Position to already exsisting service bug
- not assigned position counter is now counting only must have positions
- set locale and timezone in environment variable
- remove user from position
- register captcha
- weekly service overview as PDF
- multi client (Gliederungen) support
- invent seasons
- flexible impressum
- attach ics calender invation when approving a position
This release contains various features and bugfixes:
- database query optimazion
- improve admin privilege check
- user Eventlist only contain feature events
- hall of fame sortingand maximum of 10 users
- services E-Mail not sorted
- loose candidates while saving service with positions
- add e-mail Notifications on assign a user by admin
- show autor of a news element
- mobile design