This app is made to list different types of animals like a catalog.
Before launching the app go to settings.tsx and change the value of ipMachine and do the same in, replace value by your ip
expo :
npm install -g expo-cli
First install application yarn ou npm
yarn install
npm install
To start application :
expo start
Then select the device to launch the application
You have different uses of the application :
The home screen is there to list all animals on this app. You can click on on animal to get more details about it. You can add an animal to your favorites by swipping from left to right on the panel of the animal.
You can see the list of the favorites animals that you've added on the home screen. You can click on the animal to get more details about it. You can also remove the animal of the favorite list by swipping from right to left.
You can connect to your account, edit your password or change the theme (light / dark)