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Taylor Diagram Options

Peter Rochford edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 10 revisions

An exhaustive list of options is available to customize the appearance of the Taylor diagram and are listed below for convenience of reference. The format for their use is "option" followed by "value". For example, to produce a Taylor diagram that also shows the observational standard deviation, the command would appear as (cf. taylor2.m)

[hp, ht, axl] = taylor_diagram(sdev,crmsd,ccoef,'styleOBS','-','colOBS','r', ... 'markerobs','o','titleOBS','observation');

These options can also be obtained by calling the Taylor diagram function without arguments:

>> taylor_diagram

General Options

numberPanels 1 or 2: Panels to display (1 for positive correlations, 2 for positive and negative correlations). Default value depends on correlations (CORs).
overlay 'on' / 'off' (default): Switch to overlay current statistics on Taylor diagram. Only markers will be displayed.
alpha Blending of symbol face color (0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque) (Default: 1.0)
axismax Maximum for the radial contours
colormap 'on' / 'off' (default): Switch to map color shading of markers to colormap ('on') or min to max range of RMSDz values ('off')

Marker Options

MarkerDisplayed 'marker' (default): Experiments are represented by individual symbols
  'colorBar': Experiments are represented by a color described in a color bar

Options when MarkerDisplayed is 'marker'

markerColor Single color to use for all markers. Can be specified as a short name (e.g. "r") or an RGB triplet (e.g. [1, 0, 0]). (Default: red)
markerLabel Labels for markers
markerLabelColor Marker label color. Can be specified as a short name (e.g. "k") or an RGB triplet (e.g. [0, 0, 0]). (Default: black)
markerLegend 'on' / 'off' (default): Use legend for markers
markerSize Marker size (Default: 10)
markerSymbol Marker symbol (Default: 'o')

Options when MarkerDisplayed is 'colorbar'

CMapZData Data values to use for color mapping of markers, e.g. RMSD or BIAS. Used to make range of values appear beside color bar.
titleColorBar Title of the colorbar.

RMS Axis Options

tickRMS RMS values to plot gridding circles from observation point
rincRMS axis tick increment for RMS values
colRMS RMS grid and tick labels color. (Default: green)
showlabelsRMS 'on' / 'off' (default): Show the RMS tick labels
tickRMSangle Angle for RMS tick labels with the observation point. (Default: 135 deg.)
rmsLabelFormat String format for RMS contour labels, e.g. '0:.2f'. (Default '0', format as specified by str function.)
styleRMS Linestyle of the RMS grid
widthRMS Line width of the RMS grid
labelRMS RMS axis label (Default: 'RMSD')
titleRMS 'on' / 'off' (default): Show RMSD axis title
titleRMSDangle angle at which to display the 'RMSD' label for the RMS contours (Default: 160 degrees)

STD Axis Options

tickSTD STD values to plot gridding circles from observation point
rincSTD axis tick increment for STD values
colSTD STD grid and tick labels color. (Default: black)
showlabelsSTD 'on' / 'off' (default): Show the STD tick labels
styleSTD Linestyle of the STD grid
widthSTD Line width of the STD grid
titleSTD 'on' / 'off' (default): Show STD axis title

Correlation Axis Options

tickCOR COR grid values
colCOR COR grid color. (Default: blue)
showlabelsCOR 'on' (default) / 'off': Show the CORRELATION tick labels
styleCOR Linestyle of the COR grid
widthCOR Line width of the COR grid
titleCOR 'on' / 'off' (default): Show CORRELATION axis title

Observation STD Options

colOBS Observation STD color. (Default: magenta)
markerObs Marker for observation STD point on axis. (Default: none)
styleOBS Linestyle of the observation STD circle
widthOBS Line width of the observation STD circle
titleOBS Label for observation STD point on axis

Control Options

checkStats 'on' / 'off' (default): Check input statistics satisfy Taylor relationship