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ROS1-packages for Pet Mk.IV - One of our home made micro-robots in the Pet-Series.


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Welcome to the Pet-Mk.IV repository

ROS1 repository in the Git-Organizations.
Containing multiply ROS1-packages.

Software/Setup Pet series micro robots

The main objective/scope for this repository is to control the part of the software (and parameter settings) that is unique for this Pet Mark IV (four) robot.

  • Simplification: As MCU we mainly using Arduino compatible hardware, like Arduino UNO and Arduino NANO. Each MCU act as an ROS1-serial device.
  • Standardisation: As system integration tool (Middle ware) we use ROS1 ronning on a Raspberry PI 3 with Linux/Raspian.
  • Modularisation: We have tried to make the code as generic/common as possible.
  • Cheap: Reuse left owers as much as possible.

Pet-Mk.IV in real life


Pet-Mk.IV virtual twin

The virtual twin of Pet-Mk.IV
See more:

View from Gazebo

View from RViz

View from RViz (with Links/TF)


Developing workstation (PC)

Target Environment: Main ECU/SBC

Target Environment: Sub-ECU/MCU #1

Target Environment: Sub-ECU/MCU #2



Mechanics & Hardware

  • Main ECU/CPU's: Raspberry Pi 3
    • Power by: 1x USB Power bank 1.5A
    • Display: LCD 1602 via I2C interface: PC8574T
    • Sensor: IMU GY-521/MPU6050(6 axis) via I2C
    • Sensor: Camera RPi Camera module 1.0
    • USB Power bank 1.5A
  • Sub-ECU #1: Arduino UNO R3
    • Power by: Via RPi (1x USB Power bank 1.5A)
    • Sensor: 3x HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging sensor for Obstacle detection
    • Sensor: 3x CTRT5000 Infrared sensors for tracing
    • Engine controller: L298N Dual H Bridge Step/DC-motor controller
  • Auxiliary-ECU #2: Arduino Nano
    • Power by: Chassis battery pack
    • Sensor: 1x KY-022(1838T) Infrared(IR) receiver
    • Flash light Flash/Strobe light
  • Chassis: Zumo with belt drive
    • Power source: 6x AAA-batteries (4+2 config => 6*1,2V=7,2V)
    • Engines: 2x Electrical engines (Controlled via "L298N Dual H Bridge"@Sub-ECU #1: Arduino UNO R3)


Circuit Diagram - UNO

Circuit Diagram - NANO

Circuit Diagram - RPi




Buzzword My interpretation
ECU Electronic Control Unit
IDE Integrated_Development_Environment
MCU Micro Control Unit
Pet Not an abbreviation. Simply names of our virtual pets (aka. Robots)
ROS Robot Operating System
ROSserial core of rosserial for ROS
SBC Single Board Computer

External references

For my own convenience - Some GitHub cheat sheets