For this test, you will be working on a small piece of Perx architecture. When it comes to integrating our solution in our clients existing infrastructure. There are 2 possibilities,
- real time using API
- by batch using a file upload
Real-time of course feels better but it might not be easy to achieve depending on our clients existing infrastructure.
This test focuses on the batch upload.
You need to build an AWS infrastructure which automatically picks-up new files from an s3 bucket and send the events to an sqs queue.
- It should support both csv or json files.
- For csv, it should generate one event per row.
- For json, if the content is an array, it should send one event per array item, otherwise it should send just one event.
- You can use any aws service: lambda, step functions, glue...
- For the infrastructure code, you can use any of cloud formation, sam, serverless or terraform.
- If you write some lambda code, you can use any language supported by lambda.
- The setup of the s3 bucket and the sqs queue should be part of the deliverable.
You need to provide us a link to a repository which contains both the infrastructure code and the eventual serverless code.