Just a tag view like the wordpress tag-cloud.
Add PFTagView
to your Cartfile
github "PerfectFreeze/PFTagView"
Run carthage
to build this framework.
Add PFTagView.framework
to your Xcode project.
Add PFTagView
to your Podfile
pod 'PFTagView'
Run pod install
to install this framework.
Drag Classes
folder to your project.
#import 'PFTagView.h'
// where you want to load this tag view
PFTagViewConfiguration *config = [PFTagViewConfiguration new];
PFTagView *view = [[PFTagView alloc] initWithFrame:frame
#import 'PFTagView.h'
// where you want to load this tag view
PFTagViewConfiguration *config = [PFTagViewConfiguration new];
config.tagViewCountLabelTextColor = [UIColor blueColor];
config.tagViewCountLabelFontSize = 8.f;
config.tagViewMainTextColor = [UIColor redColor];
config.maxFontSize = 24.f;
config.minFontSize = 10.f;
config.tagViewHeight = 30.f;
config.tagViewMargin = 10.f;
PFTagView *view = [[PFTagView alloc] initWithFrame:frame
This project is released under the terms and conditions of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.