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Pierre Tomasina edited this page Sep 29, 2019 · 5 revisions


PeerVault is a p2p secret vault cryptography secure by Secp256k1 encryption and bip32 seed.


Keyword Definition
Owner Owner represent a physical person that can have the same vault installed on many devices
Vault Represet the PeerVault software installed on a device
Relay The relay are a server that will proxy the connection between two devices to avoid NAT issue
Seed Represent the root key of an owner, used for rebuild any Owner master key. use bitcoin BIP39
Mnemonic or Paper Key 12 words ASCII representation of a seed
Master Key Key generate from a seed use bitcoin BIP32
Child Key Key generate from a master key use bitcoin BIP32
LibP2P It is the p2p library used to secure the exchange between peer
Peer A Peer is a Vault connected to the network, listening through relay
QmPeerId Represent unique ID of a Peer calculated from child key, used to announced peer on libp2p network
Key Key as capital word represent a pair of private/public keys, like Master Key and Child Key

Owner keychain

When a vault is created for the first time, the Seed will be generated and owner will be able to keep the Mnemonic phrase also known as Paper key

Then a Master Key will be derivate from the Seed. And for each device, a Child Key hardened will be generated using a random Uint32 index

Child Key will be used to create an identity for each Peers announced on the network. Communication between peer will be encrypted using Child Key derivation.

The Relay will not be able to decrypt any exchange between peers.

  • The Owner identification is made using Master Public Key
  • Where the Peer Identification is made using Child Public Key
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