To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
PUGifLoading is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'PUGifLoading'
Using version specification
pod 'PUGifLoading', :git => '', :branch => '1.0.3'
Import the control
import PUGifLoading
Create an object for this control
let loading = PUGIFLoading()
You can show the status of indeterminate tasks using one of the following ( GIF Or Activity indicator):"Loading", gifimagename: "foodloader")"Loading", gifimagename: "foodloader",iWidth: 40,iHight: 40)
- 1 - Text to display (you can pass blank for no text to display)
- 2 - Name of gif image to show in loader
- 3 - Width for gif
- 4 - Height for gif
loading.showWithActivityIndicator("Loading", activitycolor: UIColor.yellow, labelfontcolor:UIColor.yellow , labelfontsize: 16.0,activityStyle: UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.whiteLarge)
- 1 - Text to display
- 2 - activitycolor - color of indicator
- 3 - labelfontcolor - color of label
- 4 - labelfontsize - font size of text to display
- 5 - activityStyle - UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle of activity indicator
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2021 TheKarma
Payal Umraliya [[email protected]]