This project isn't really(yet) doing any automation of any kind.
This began as a proof of concept for making my own temp/humidity tracker to keep my antique guitar safe from sharp drops in humidity. Paired with this project are several ESP-32 devices with BME280 sensors. They simply take a measurement, send the measurement, and check for the next time the server expects a measurement.
It's a basic flask server + mongodb, with some practice in html, jinja templates, and python patterns to abstract the database operations away.
I wrote this to work with n-clients, expandable as needed and not fussy if a device was to go down.
It can currently serve me plots of the collected data from a selected time frame, in HTTP or in a pre-made image that I use in conjuction with my python bot to serve me a overview when I'm away from home. Additionally, I can configure individual device profiles and apply compensation offsets to each device's temp/humidity measurements. You will never know the true temperature of your living room, but at least you can get each device telling you the same wrong temperature.