GitHub Repository for a university project (IT-Studienprojekt) at the university of hildesheim.
In this project, the game "Ticket To Ride" and several artificial intelligences, including a CBR-AI, were implemented that can play the game and make intelligent decisions.
To start the game, an installation of Unity is required. In this project version 2020.3.32f1 was used. Also, at least Java 17 must be installed.
The Unity version can be downloaded from the archive: (Please be sure to install the correct version).
The open source tool myCBR can be found here via Dropbox: myCBR Workbench: myCBR SDK:
After cloning this repository, the game can be started using the Unity Hub. In Unity itself, the game is started via the play button at the top. To start the game-menu, you have to be in the scene "menu". There you can then make game settings and, among other things, let the CBR-AI or the rule-based AI play the game.
The myCBR-project can be found at TicketToRide/TicketToRideUnity. For development TicketToRide/TicketToRideUnity/Java/TicketToRide/TicketToRide_CBR_System was used.