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django-giropay Build Status

django-giropay is a lightweight django plugin which provides the integration of the payment service giropay.

How to install django-giropay?

There are just two steps needed to install django-giropay:

  1. Install django-giropay to your virtual env:

    pip install django-giropay
  2. Configure your django installation with the following lines:

    # django-giropay
    INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_giropay', )
    GIROPAY = True
    # Those are dummy test data - change to your data
    GIROPAY_MERCHANT_ID = "from-payment-provider"
    GIROPAY_PROJECT_ID = "from-payment-provider"
    GIROPAY_PROJECT_PASSWORD = b"from-payment-provider"

    There is a list of other settings you could set down below.

  3. Include the notification View in your URLs:

    from django.conf.urls import include, url
    urlpatterns = [
        url('^giropay/', include('django_giropay.urls')),

What do you need for django-giropay?

  1. An merchant account for Giropay
  2. Django >= 1.11


Minimal Checkout init example:

from django_giropay.wrappers import GiropayWrapper
giropay_wrapper = GiropayWrapper()

giropay_transaction = giropay_wrapper.start_transaction(
    amount=1000,  # 10 Euro 
    purpose='first test'


You may want to customize django-giropay to fit your needs.


The first and most straight forward way to customize it, is to adjust the settings.

… to be done …

Method overrides

There are a few methods in the NotificationView you may want to override to match your system.

class MyNotifyGiropayView(NotifyGiropayView):

    # For all checkouts you want to customize the status callback method
    def handle_updated_transaction(self, giropay_transaction, expected_statuses=django_giropay_settings.GIROPAY_VALID_TRANSACTION_STATUSES):
        # Be sure to check whether the giropay status is in a valid status
        if giropay_transaction.result_payment not in expected_statuses:
                _("GiroPay Result faulty: {}").format(RESULT_PAYMENT_STATUS[giropay_transaction.result_payment] if giropay_transaction.result_payment in RESULT_PAYMENT_STATUS else giropay_transaction.result_payment)
            # do whateveer you want here
            return HttpResponse(status=400)
        # or do whateveer you want
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

Sandbox/Production Switch

There is no sandbox/production switch at Giropay.

Copyright and license

Copyright 2018 Particulate Solutions GmbH, under MIT license.