In this project, we are writing a rule engine that can use pluggable providers for rules to make a consistent way to execute rules for Konveyor.
One of the primary drivers for this repository is adding providers for specific languages using the Language Server Protocol. Today these providers are in tree, but we will be moving them out in the future.
If you would like to run a quick demo we have a Dockerfile that has all the dependencies.
To run this demo build the containers:
podman build -f Dockerfile -t
podman build -f demo.Dockerfile -t test-analyzer-engine
This will build the engine, and include the current set of rules and examples in the container to be used.
To run the rules (rule-example.yaml) against the examples, and save the output to the demo-output.yaml
podman run -v $(pwd)/demo-output.yaml:/analyzer-lsp/output.yaml:Z test-analyzer-engine
To run the engine from source code, you need to:
- Configure providers. By default, providers are configured in
. See Providers for instructions on configuring providers. - Configure rules. By default, rules are present in
. See Rules for details on rule format.
Once the providers are configured, you can run:
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go
CLI Options:
--analysis-mode string select one of full or source-only to tell the providers what to analyize. This can be given on a per provider setting, but this flag will override
--context-lines int When violation occurs, A part of source code is added to the output, So this flag configures the number of source code lines to be printed to the output. (default 10)
--dep-label-selector string an expression to select dependencies based on labels. This will filter out the violations from these dependencies as well these dependencies when matching dependency conditions
--enable-jaeger enable tracer exports to jaeger endpoint (default true)
--error-on-violation exit with 3 if any violation are found will also print violations to console
-h, --help help for analyze
--jaeger-endpoint string jaeger endpoint to collect tracing data (default "http://localhost:14268/api/traces")
--label-selector string an expression to select rules based on labels
--limit-code-snips int limit the number code snippets that are retrieved for a file while evaluating a rule, 0 means no limit (default 20)
--limit-incidents int Set this to the limit incidents that a given rule can give, zero means no limit (default 1500)
--no-dependency-rules Disable dependency analysis rules
--output-file string filepath to to store rule violations (default "output.yaml")
--provider-settings string path to the provider settings (default "provider_settings.json")
--rules stringArray filename or directory containing rule files (default [rule-example.yaml])
--verbose int level for logging output (default 9)
- See label selector for more info on
Using the LSP/Protocal from Golang and stripping out anything related to serving, proxy or anything. Just keeping the types for communication
Using JSONRPC2 from Copied and removed anything to do with serving.
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