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SJF Algorithm Visualization in React

A web-based tool to visualize the Shortest Job First (SJF) Scheduling Algorithm, built using React. This interactive application allows users to input processes, burst times, and priority levels to understand how the SJF algorithm works.

🚀 Features

  • Interactive UI: Add, modify, and delete processes dynamically.
  • SJF Non-Preemptive Logic: Visualize how the algorithm schedules processes.
  • Result Display: Shows waiting time and turnaround time for each process.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Instant calculation of the average waiting time.

📦 Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React.js
  • Styling: CSS / Tailwind (optional customization)
  • State Management: React Hooks

🛠️ Installation & Setup

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd SJF-Algorithm-React-
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Run the development server:
    npm run dev

📊 How It Works

  • Input processes with burst times .
  • The app sorts processes according to burst time.
  • Results include average waiting and turnaround times displayed on the interface.

🐛 Known Issues

  • No preemptive SJF mode currently supported.
  • UI improvements are under development.

🤝 Contributing

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch (feature/new-feature).
  • Commit changes and push to your branch.
  • Submit a Pull Request.

📄 License

  • This project is licensed under the MIT License.
  • You can copy and paste this directly into your file. Let me know if you need any modifications!