My solution for the T872 qualification challenge.
Write a C/CPP program for loading a RAW12 image (portrait-gainx2-offset2047-20ms-02.raw12) into the memory - separate the 4 channels (in memory - 8 bits). Output the intensity values of the first 5x5 pixels (square tile) R, G, G, B channels.
Save the channels (separately) as valid image files (8 bits per pixel) named appropriately without use of any external libraries (e.g. openJPG/lodePNG). (Hint: PPM file format).
Debayer the CFA (color filter array) data (in memory using nearest neighbour / bilinear) - output the image as a valid image file (8-bit, without use of any external library).
Additional task(for T763)-
- Save the debayered RGB image as a BMP file (without use of any external libraries) - expected that you create the BMP file from scratch. As an alternative, you can save the image as a single frame in an AVI file without use of external libraries (bonus points).
- Use cmake for building the C/CPP program.
- Abide by the C/CPP coding guidelines ( and project structuring (create appropriate directories, header files, c/cpp files to modularize the code in meaningful ways).
- If you can load part of your program as a dynamic library (.so file)
- If you use a nonlinear curve for the 12 to 8 bit conversion, without ignoring the bottom 4 bits (lots of different solutions possible) and explain your choice (why did you choose that curve).
git clone
cd Apertus-T872
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
./RAWtoPPM ../test.raw12
The output ppm files are stored in the build directory by the name -
- red.ppm
- green0.ppm
- green1.ppm
- blue.ppm
- color.ppm
- color.bmp